17 Bible Verses about God's Plans
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"I know that thou hast power over all things, and that there is no thought hid unto thee.
For if the LORD of Hosts determine a thing, who will disannul it? And if he stretch forth his hand, who will hold it in again?
But the counsel of the LORD endureth, and the thoughts of his heart from generation to generation.
In the beginning of a thing, I show the end thereof: and I tell before, things that are not yet come to pass. With one word is my device accomplished, and fulfilleth all my pleasure.
But hast thou not heard how I have ordained such a thing a great while ago, and have prepared it from the beginning? And now I bring it forth and it shall be to destroy and to bring strong cities into rude heaps of stones.
And ye shall make a pit betwixt the twain walls of the water of the old pool, and nothing regard him that took it in hand, and made it long ago.
O LORD, thou art my God, I will praise thee, and magnify thy name: For thou bringest marvelous things to pass, according to thine old counsels, truly and steadfastly.
Yea, sayest thou, hast thou not heard what I have taken in hand, and brought to pass of old time? That same will I do now also: waste, destroy, and bring the strong cities into heaps of stones.
Even the LORD of Hosts hath devised it, that he may put down all pomp, and minish all the Glory of the world.
Ye thought evil unto me: but God turned it unto good to bring to pass, as it is this day, even to save much people alive.
Even so am I determined now in these days, for to do well unto the house of Judah and Jerusalem, therefore fear ye not.
For I know what I have devised for you sayeth the LORD. My thoughts are to give you peace, and not trouble, which I give you already; and that ye might have hope again.
the same in himself to have it declared when the time were full come: that all things, both the things which are in heaven, and also the things which are in earth, should be gathered together, even in Christ. That is to say, in him
Who hath devised such things upon Tyre the crown of all cities, whose merchants and Captains were the highest and principal of the world?
Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken upon Idumaea: and his purpose, that he hath devised upon the citizens of Teman. The least of the flock shall tear them in pieces, and look: what fair thing they have, they shall make it waste, and themselves also.
Therefore hear the counsel that the LORD hath given upon Babylon, and the device that he hath taken upon the land of the Chaldeans. The least among the people shall tear them in pieces, and look: what pleasant thing they have, they shall lay it waste.
Make sharp the arrows, and fill the quivers: for the LORD shall raise up the spirit of the king of the Medes, which hath already a desire to destroy Babylon. This shall be the vengeance of the LORD's, and the vengeance of his temple.
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