37 Bible Verses about Arrows

Most Relevant Verses

And he made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow he led me with his hand. And he made me as an excellent arrow, and hid in his quiver.

Then he said, "Take arrows," and he took. Then he said to the king of Israel, "Smite the ground," and he smote thrice and ceased.

But God shall suddenly shoot with a swift arrow, that they shall be wounded.

Now therefore take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the fields, and take me some venison,

For lo, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready their arrows within the quiver, that they may privily shoot at them which are true of heart.

Let them fall away like water that runneth a pace; and when they shoot their arrows, let them be rooted out.

Like as one shooteth deadly arrows and darts out of a privy place, even so doth a dissembler with his neighbour.

For the arrows of the almighty are in me, whose indignation hath drunk up my spirit, and the terrible fears of God fight against me.

He hath prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

And he made engines in Jerusalem by the craft of artificers to be on the towers and corners, to shoot arrows and great stones with all. And his name spread far abroad, for he was wonderfully helped, until he was become mighty.

I will make mine arrows drunken with blood, and my sword shall eat flesh of the blood of the slain and of the captive and of the bare head of the enemy.'

Even mighty and sharp arrows, with hot burning coals.

Cast forth thy lightning, and tear them; shoot out thine arrows, and consume them.

who have whet their tongue like a sword, and shoot out their arrows, even bitter words,

He sent out his arrows and scattered them, he cast forth lightnings, and destroyed them. {TYNDALE: And he shot arrows and scattered them, and hurled lightning and turmoiled them.}

And Elisha said unto him, "Bring bow and arrows." And he brought to him bow and arrows.

the LORD God shall be seen above them, and his darts shall go forth as the lightning. The LORD God shall blow the trumpet, and shall come forth as a storm out of the south.

Make sharp the arrows, and fill the quivers: for the LORD shall raise up the spirit of the king of the Medes, which hath already a desire to destroy Babylon. This shall be the vengeance of the LORD's, and the vengeance of his temple.

Their arrows are sharp, and their bows bent. Their horses' hoofs are like flint, and their cart wheels like a stormy wind.

The Sun and Moon remained still in their habitation. Thine arrows went out glistering, and thy spears as the shine of the lightning.

so long till she hath wounded his liver with her dart: like as if a bird hasted to the snare, not knowing that the peril of his life lieth thereupon.

As for thy bow, I will smite it out of thy left hand, and cast thine arrows out of thy righthand.

Their tongues are like sharp arrows, to speak deceit. With their mouth they speak peaceably to their neighbour, but privily they lay wait for him.

weaponed with bows, and could handle stones, arrows and bow as well with the left hand as with the right, and were of Saul's brethren, even of the tribe of Benjamin.

From Thematic Bible

Arrows » God's

Psalm 7:13

He hath prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

Psalm 21:12

Therefore shalt thou put them to flight, and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready against the face of them.

Psalm 45:5

Thy arrows are sharp, and the people shall be subdued unto thee, even in the midst among the king's enemies.

Psalm 144:6

Cast forth thy lightning, and tear them; shoot out thine arrows, and consume them.

2 Samuel 22:15

And he shot arrows and scattered them, and hurled lightning and turmoiled them.

More verses: Psalm 18:14 Psalm 77:17

Arrows » Illustrative » Of God's judgment

Psalm 7:13

He hath prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors.

Psalm 21:12

Therefore shalt thou put them to flight, and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready against the face of them.

Ezekiel 5:16

When I shoot among them the perilous darts of hunger, which shall be but death: Yea, therefore shall I shoot them, because I will destroy you. I will increase hunger, and diminish all the provision of bread among you.

Deuteronomy 32:23-42

I will heap mischiefs upon them and will spend all mine arrows at them. Burnt with hunger and consumed with heat and with bitter pestilence. I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, and poison serpents. Without forth, the sword shall rob them of their children; and within in the chamber, fear: both young men and young women, and the sucklings with the men of gray heads. read more.
I have determined to scatter them throughout the world, and to make away the remembrance of them from among men, were it not that I feared the railing of their enemies - lest their adversaries would be proud and say: Our high hand hath done all these works, and not the LORD. "'For it is a nation that hath an unhappy forecast, and hath no understanding in them. I would they were wise, and understood this, and would consider their latter end.' How cometh it that one shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand of them to flight - except their rock had sold them, and because the LORD had delivered them. "For our rock is not as their rock; no, though our enemies be judge. But their vines are of the vines of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah. Their grapes are grapes of gall, and their clusters be bitter. Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel gall of asps. Are not such things laid in store with me, and sealed up among my treasures? "'Vengeance is mine, and I will reward! Their feet shall slide, when the time cometh. For the time of their destruction is at hand, and the time that shall come upon them maketh haste.' "For the LORD will do justice unto his people, and have compassion on his servants. For it shall be seen that their power shall fail, and at the last they shall be prisoned and forsaken. And it shall be said, 'Where are their gods and their rock wherein they trusted - the fat of whose sacrifices they ate, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up, and help you, and be your protection! "'See, now, how that I - I am he: and that there is no God but I. I can kill, and make alive; and what I have smitten, that I can heal. Neither is there that can deliver any man out of my hand. For I will lift up my hand to heaven, and will say: I live ever. If I whet the lightning of my sword, and mine hand take in hand to do justice, I will show vengeance on mine enemies and will reward them that hate me. I will make mine arrows drunken with blood, and my sword shall eat flesh of the blood of the slain and of the captive and of the bare head of the enemy.'

Psalm 64:7

But God shall suddenly shoot with a swift arrow, that they shall be wounded.

Arrows » Carried in a quiver

Genesis 27:3

Now therefore take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the fields, and take me some venison,

Isaiah 49:2

And he made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow he led me with his hand. And he made me as an excellent arrow, and hid in his quiver.

Jeremiah 5:16

Their arrows are sudden death; yea, they themselves be very giants.

Lamentations 3:13

{He} The arrows of his quiver hath he shot, even into my reins.

Arrows » Discharged » Against enemies

2 Kings 19:32

Wherefore thus sayeth the LORD, of the king of Assyria: He shall not come to this city, nor shoot arrow into it, nor come before with shield nor cast any bank against it -

Jeremiah 50:14

Go forth in your array against Babylon round about, all ye that can handle bows: shoot at her, spare no arrows, for she hath sinned against the LORD.

Arrows » General references

1 Samuel 20:20

And I will shoot three arrows by the one side thereof, as though I shot at a mark, and will send after a lad, and bid him go seek the arrows.

2 Kings 13:15

And Elisha said unto him, "Bring bow and arrows." And he brought to him bow and arrows.

Arrows » Bright and polished

Isaiah 49:2

And he made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow he led me with his hand. And he made me as an excellent arrow, and hid in his quiver.

Jeremiah 51:11

Make sharp the arrows, and fill the quivers: for the LORD shall raise up the spirit of the king of the Medes, which hath already a desire to destroy Babylon. This shall be the vengeance of the LORD's, and the vengeance of his temple.

Arrows » Discharged » With great force

Numbers 24:8

God that brought him out of Egypt is as the strength of an unicorn unto him, and he shall eat the nations that are his enemies and break their bones and pierce them through with his arrows.

2 Kings 9:24

And Jehu took a bow in his hand and smote Jehoram between the shoulders, that the arrow came out at his breast. And he fell down three fold in his chariot.

Arrows » Sharp

Psalm 120:4

Even mighty and sharp arrows, with hot burning coals.

Isaiah 5:28

Their arrows are sharp, and their bows bent. Their horses' hoofs are like flint, and their cart wheels like a stormy wind.

Arrows » Discharged » From a bow

Psalm 11:2

For lo, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready their arrows within the quiver, that they may privily shoot at them which are true of heart.

Isaiah 7:24

Like as they shall come into the land with arrows and bows, so shall all the land become briers and thorns.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of severe afflictions

Job 6:4

For the arrows of the almighty are in me, whose indignation hath drunk up my spirit, and the terrible fears of God fight against me.

Arrows » Discharged » From engines

2 Chronicles 26:15

And he made engines in Jerusalem by the craft of artificers to be on the towers and corners, to shoot arrows and great stones with all. And his name spread far abroad, for he was wonderfully helped, until he was become mighty.

Arrows » Discharged » At a mark for amusement

1 Samuel 20:20-22

And I will shoot three arrows by the one side thereof, as though I shot at a mark, and will send after a lad, and bid him go seek the arrows. If I say unto the lad, 'See the arrows are on this side of thee, bring them' - then come thou: for it is peace and nothing to do, as sure as the LORD liveth. But and if I say thus unto the young fellow, 'Behold, the arrows are beyond thee' - then go: for the LORD hath sent thee away.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of lightnings

Psalm 77:17-18

The thick clouds poured out water, the air thundered, and thine arrows went abroad. The voice of thy thunder was heard round about; the lightnings shone upon the ground. The earth was moved, and shook withal.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of false witnesses

Proverbs 25:18

Whoso beareth false witness against his neighbour, he is a very spear, a sword, and a sharp arrow.

Arrows » Deadly and destructive weapons

Proverbs 26:18

Like as one shooteth deadly arrows and darts out of a privy place, even so doth a dissembler with his neighbour.

Arrows » Fleetness of, alluded to

Zechariah 9:14

the LORD God shall be seen above them, and his darts shall go forth as the lightning. The LORD God shall blow the trumpet, and shall come forth as a storm out of the south.

Arrows » The ancients divined by

Ezekiel 21:21

For the king of Babylon shall stand in the turning of the way, at the head of the two trees: to ask counsel at the soothsayers, casting the lots with his arrows; to ask counsel at the Idols, and to look in the liver.

Arrows » Illustrative » (falling from the hand), of the paralyzing power

Ezekiel 39:3

As for thy bow, I will smite it out of thy left hand, and cast thine arrows out of thy righthand.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of slanderous tongues

Jeremiah 9:8

Their tongues are like sharp arrows, to speak deceit. With their mouth they speak peaceably to their neighbour, but privily they lay wait for him.

Arrows » Discharged » At the beasts of the earth

Genesis 27:3

Now therefore take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the fields, and take me some venison,

Arrows » Illustrative » Of young children

Arrows » Illustrative » Of Christ

Isaiah 49:2

And he made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow he led me with his hand. And he made me as an excellent arrow, and hid in his quiver.

Arrows » Called shafts

Isaiah 49:2

And he made my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow he led me with his hand. And he made me as an excellent arrow, and hid in his quiver.

Arrows » Illustrative » (broken), of destruction of power

Psalm 76:3

There breaketh he the arrows of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the whole battle. Selah.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of devices of the wicked

Psalm 11:2

For lo, the ungodly bend their bow, and make ready their arrows within the quiver, that they may privily shoot at them which are true of heart.

Arrows » Illustrative » Of bitter words

Psalm 64:3

who have whet their tongue like a sword, and shoot out their arrows, even bitter words,

Arrows » Illustrative » Of the word of Christ

Psalm 45:5

Thy arrows are sharp, and the people shall be subdued unto thee, even in the midst among the king's enemies.

Arrows » Sometimes poisoned

Job 6:4

For the arrows of the almighty are in me, whose indignation hath drunk up my spirit, and the terrible fears of God fight against me.

Weapons » Of war » Arrows

1 Samuel 20:20

And I will shoot three arrows by the one side thereof, as though I shot at a mark, and will send after a lad, and bid him go seek the arrows.

2 Kings 13:15

And Elisha said unto him, "Bring bow and arrows." And he brought to him bow and arrows.

Topics on Arrows

Arrows, Described As

Proverbs 26:18

Like as one shooteth deadly arrows and darts out of a privy place, even so doth a dissembler with his neighbour.

Arrows, Figurative Of

Deuteronomy 32:23

I will heap mischiefs upon them and will spend all mine arrows at them.

Arrows, Uses Of

Genesis 27:3

Now therefore take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the fields, and take me some venison,

Bow And Arrows, Symbol Of Strength

Psalm 44:6-7

For I will not trust in my bow; it is not my sword that shall help me.

Bow And Arrows, Uses Of

Genesis 27:3

Now therefore take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and get thee to the fields, and take me some venison,

God's Arrows

Psalm 64:7-10

But God shall suddenly shoot with a swift arrow, that they shall be wounded.

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Theasaurus: Arrows

All Translations
A Conservative Version
American Bible Union New Testament
American Standard Version
An Understandable Version
Anderson New Testament
Bible in Basic English
Common New Testament
Daniel Mace New Testament
Darby Translation
Emphatic Diaglott Bible
Godbey New Testament
Goodspeed New Testament
Holman Bible
International Standard Version
John Wesley New Testament
Julia Smith Translation
King James 2000
King James Version
Lexham Expanded Bible
Living Oracles New Testament
Modern King James verseion
Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale
Moffatt New Testament
Montgomery New Testament
NET Bible
New American Standard Bible
New Heart English Bible
Noyes New Testament
Sawyer New Testament
The Emphasized Bible
Thomas Haweis New Testament
Twentieth Century New Testament
Weymouth New Testament
Williams New Testament
World English Bible
Worldwide English (NT)
Worrell New Testament
Worsley New Testament
Youngs Literal Translation