33 Bible Verses about Good Works

Most Relevant Verses

Acts 10:37-38

You yourselves know [all this, and] how this message was proclaimed throughout Judea, having begun from Galilee after the preaching of the immersion [taught and practiced] by John. This message was about Jesus from Nazareth and how God specially chose Him [and signified it] by giving Him the Holy Spirit and power. He traveled all over doing good [for people] and healing everyone who was [being] oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

Romans 3:9-18

What then? Are we [Jews] any better off [than those Gentiles]? No, not at all, for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles] alike are under [the power of] sin, as it is written [Psa. 14:1ff; 53:1ff], "No one [always] does what is right; not even one person. No one understands [everything]. No one looks to God [all the time].read more.
Everyone has turned away [from God]. All of them have become worthless. No one is [always] kind; no, not even one person." [Psa. 5:9 says], "Their throats are like open graves [i.e., they are foul-mouthed]. They have spoken deceitfully." [Psa. 90:3 says], "There is snake venom under their lips [i.e., their words are deadly]." [Psa. 10:7 says], "Their speech is full of cursing and bitterness." [Isa. 59:7ff says], "Their feet [take them where they] are quick to commit murder. Their pathways are strewn with ruin and misery [i.e., caused by them]. They have not known [how to walk on] a peaceful pathway." [Psa. 36:1 says], "They do not view God with reverence."

Romans 7:13-23

Was this [commandment] then, which was intended for my good, [actually] responsible for my [spiritual] death? Certainly not! But so that sin could be seen as [truly] sinful, it produced [spiritual] death in me through something that was good [i.e., the commandment against sinning]. This was so that, by means of the commandment [against sinning], sin could be seen as extremely sinful. For we know that the law of Moses is spiritual [i.e., from the Holy Spirit in origin and character], but I am fleshly, sold as a slave to sin. [Note: "Flesh" throughout this section refers to a person's natural inclinations to sin]. For I do not [really] understand what I am doing; I practice what I do not want to and I hate what I do. [Note: This highly controversial section (verses 14b-25) is here viewed as the struggles of the apostle Paul after his conversion, and by extension, of all Christians. See Bruce, pages 150ff; Murray, pages 255ff; Lard, pages 236ff].read more.
But if I do what I do not want to, I agree with the law [which condemns such conduct] that it is good. So, now I am not [really] the one doing this, but [it is] sin which is living in me. For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh, for the desire to do good is present in my heart, but the ability to carry it out [consistently] is not. For I do not do the good [things] I want to, but I practice the evil [things] I do not want to. But if I do what I do not want to, [then] I am no longer the one doing it, but [instead], it is sin which lives in me [i.e., that motivates such conduct]. So, I find this principle [at work]: [Although] I want to do what is good, evil is [always] present [and often wins out]. For in my heart I am delighted with God's law, but I see a different law [at work] in my body, waging [spiritual] warfare against the law in my mind. It brings me into captivity to the law of sin in my body.

Galatians 6:9-10

And we should not become tired of doing good things, for eventually we will receive [never ending life] if we do not give up. So then, we should do the right thing toward every person whenever we have the opportunity, and especially toward people who are part of God's family [i.e., those making up "the faith"].

Matthew 5:38-48

"You have heard what was said [Exodus 21:24], 'Take an eye [from someone] if he takes yours, and take a tooth [from someone] if he takes yours.' But I tell you, do not offer resistance to an evil person, but whoever hits you on the right side of the face, allow him [to hit you] on the other side also. And if anyone takes you to court in order to take your shirt away from you, let him have your coat also [i.e., if he insists on it].read more.
Whoever requires you to go one mile, [be willing to] go with him two miles. [Note: The Romans were permitted by law to require a Jew to carry their burden for one mile only]. Give to the person who asks you [for something], and do not refuse to lend to the person who wants to borrow something from you. "You have heard what was said [Lev. 19:18], 'You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, in order to be [true] children of your Father in heaven, for He makes His sun to rise on evil [as well] as on good people. He [also] sends rain on those who live right [as well] as on those who do not live right. For if you love [only] those who love you, what reward will you get for that? Do not even the publicans [Note: These were people with a bad reputation for their dishonest tax collecting activities] do that much? And if you greet [cordially] your brothers only, what are you doing more than other people? Do not even the [unconverted] Gentiles do that much? Therefore, you must [attempt to] be complete, just as your heavenly Father is [already] complete.

Luke 6:27-36

But I tell you people who are listening [to me], love your enemies and do good things to those who hate you. [Ask God's] blessing on those who curse you; pray for those who treat you spitefully. Whoever hits you on one side of the face, allow him [to hit you on] the other side also; and when someone takes away your coat, do not stop him from also taking away your shirt [i.e., if he insists on it].read more.
Give to everyone who asks you [for something] and do not demand that he bring back your possessions that he takes away. And whatever you would like people to do to you, do the same thing to them. And if you love [only] those who love you, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? For even worldly people love those who love them. And if you do good things [only] to those who do good things to you, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? For even worldly people do that much. And if you lend something [only] to those people from whom you expect to have it returned, what thanks do you deserve for doing that? Even worldly people lend to worldly people expecting to get the same things back. But love your enemies and do good things to them; and lend to them without expecting it to be returned, and your reward [i.e., from God] will be great and you will be [considered] sons of the Highest [i.e., God]. For He is kind to unthankful and evil people [as well]. You people should be merciful just like your Father is merciful.

1 Peter 3:8-13

Now to summarize: All of you should think alike. Be sympathetically understanding [toward one another]. Be loving toward [your] brothers [and sisters]. Be tender-hearted and humble-minded. Do not repay a wrong action with [another] wrong action, nor abusive [language] with [additional] abuse, but rather be a blessing [to one another]. For the purpose of your being called [by God] was so that you could receive a blessing [from Him eventually]. For [Psalm 39:12 says], "The person who loves [his] life and wants to have happy days, should avoid saying anything bad or deceptive.read more.
He should turn away from wrong living and do what is good. He should desire peace and do whatever it takes to maintain it. For the Lord's eyes see what the righteous person does and He hears their [earnest] prayers, but the Lord looks with disapproval on the person who does wrong." And who do you think would [try to] hurt you if you become enthusiastic for doing what is right?

1 Peter 4:19

Therefore, those who [are allowed to] suffer in harmony with God's [permissive] will, should commit their souls to a trustworthy Creator, [who will take everything into account], while they go on [trying] to do what is right.

1 Peter 3:17

For, if it is God's will that you should suffer, it is better [for you] that it be on account of doing right than doing wrong.

John 5:28-29

"Do not be surprised at this: The time is coming when all those who are in their graves will hear His voice and they will come out [i.e., in the general resurrection on the last day]. Those who had done what was good will be raised [from the dead] to [never ending] life; and those who had done what was evil will be raised [from the dead] to judgment [i.e., to be condemned].

Luke 6:35

But love your enemies and do good things to them; and lend to them without expecting it to be returned, and your reward [i.e., from God] will be great and you will be [considered] sons of the Highest [i.e., God]. For He is kind to unthankful and evil people [as well].

Romans 2:5-11

But your stubbornness and refusal to repent are storing up wrath [i.e., punishment] for yourselves, [to be experienced] on the Day of Wrath [i.e., the day of judgment] when God's just judgment will be revealed. He will repay every person for what he has done. [See Psa. 62:12]. To the ones who continue doing what is good and who look for glory, honor and immortal life [God will give] never ending life.read more.
But to the ones who have selfish ambition [Note: Some translate these words "are contentious"] and refuse to obey the truth, but [instead] obey what is wrong, [God will bring] wrath, fury, anguish and distress. He will bring these upon every human being who does wrong, upon the Jews first, then also upon the Greeks [i.e., Gentiles]. But [He will bring] glory, honor and peace upon every person who does what is good; upon the Jews first, then also upon the Greeks, for there is no favoritism with God.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

[Solemnly] urge those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant, nor to place their hope in the uncertainty of [their] wealth, but in God, who generously supplies us with everything to enjoy. [Urge them] to do what is good, to be rich in [the practice of] good deeds, to be generous and willing to share [with others]. [In that way] they will store up for themselves a treasure [of never ending rewards] for providing a solid foundation for the future, so that they can take hold of the true life [i.e., in heaven].

2 Timothy 2:20-21

Now in a large house there are utensils made, not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. And some are for honorable uses [i.e., for special occasions] and some are for common, ordinary use. If a person rids himself of the common ones [i.e., the influences of evil people and qualities], he will be an instrument for [God's] honor, dedicated, suitable for use by the Master, [and] prepared for [doing] every good deed.

James 2:14-21

What good is it, my brothers [and sisters], if a person says he has faith but does not have [good] deeds? Can such faith save him? If a brother or sister is without [adequate] clothing and needs daily food, and one of you says to him, "Go [and be] at peace; keep warm and eat well," and yet you do not give him anything for his physical needs, what good is that?read more.
In the same way, if [your] faith does not have [good] deeds [to accompany it], it is dead, [because it stands] alone. But someone may say, "You have faith and I have [good] deeds." [I reply], show me your faith without your [good] deeds, and I will show you my faith by my [good] deeds. You believe that there is [only] one God; that is good! Even the demons believe [that], and they shudder [with fear at the thought]. But will you acknowledge, you foolish person, that faith without [good] deeds is useless? Was not our forefather Abraham made right with God by deeds [of obedience] when he offered his son Isaac [as a sacrifice] on the Altar?

1 Peter 3:10-12

For [Psalm 39:12 says], "The person who loves [his] life and wants to have happy days, should avoid saying anything bad or deceptive. He should turn away from wrong living and do what is good. He should desire peace and do whatever it takes to maintain it. For the Lord's eyes see what the righteous person does and He hears their [earnest] prayers, but the Lord looks with disapproval on the person who does wrong."

Acts 9:36

Now at Joppa [Note: This was also a town on the west coast of Palestine, today called "Jaffa," and is now a part of Tel Aviv] there was a certain disciple named Tabitha (she was also called Dorcas, which means "Gazelle"). She practiced many good deeds and always gave money to poor people.

Philippians 2:12-13

So then, my dear ones, just as you people were always obedient [to my teaching] when I was there with you, so now, in my absence [also], be [obedient] all the more. [Continue to] complete your own salvation [i.e., by living faithfully to the end. See Rom. 13:11] with fear and trembling [i.e., with a reverent and submissive spirit], for it is God who is at work in you, both to motivate the desire and to carry out what pleases Him.

Colossians 1:10-12

[We pray for you] to live a life deserving of the Lord, pleasing to Him in every way, producing fruit in every good deed and growing in the knowledge of God. [We also pray that you will be] strengthened with great power, according to God's glorious might, so that you will have great endurance and patience [coupled] with joy. [May you] give thanks to the Father who has enabled you to share [i.e., eventually] in the inheritance of the saints [i.e., God's holy people] in [the kingdom of] light.

2 Timothy 2:21

If a person rids himself of the common ones [i.e., the influences of evil people and qualities], he will be an instrument for [God's] honor, dedicated, suitable for use by the Master, [and] prepared for [doing] every good deed.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is inspired by God [Note: Literally, this word means "breathed out by God"] and is useful for teaching [truth], rebuking [wrongdoing], correcting [error] and for providing instruction [i.e., training] on how to live right, so that the man of God will be thoroughly equipped for [doing] every good deed.

1 Peter 2:13-15

Submit yourselves to every authority set up by people for the Lord's sake. [Submit to] a king as the [highest] authority, or to governors who are appointed by him to punish wrongdoers, and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that, by doing good, you should put to silence the ignorant [talk and actions] of foolish people.

Matthew 12:9-14

Jesus left there and went into their [i.e., the Pharisees'] synagogues, and there He saw a man with a deformed hand. They asked Him, "Is it permissible by the law of Moses to heal someone on a Sabbath day?" He answered them, "Which one of you who has [only] one sheep, and it fell in a ditch, would not reach down and lift it out [even] if it were on a Sabbath day?read more.
Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep? Therefore, it is permissible by the law of Moses to do what is good on a Sabbath day." Then Jesus said to the man "Reach out your hand." And when he stretched it out, it became normal, just like the other one. But the Pharisees left and began discussing together how they could arrange to kill Him.

Mark 3:1-6

And Jesus entered the synagogue again and there He met a man with a deformed hand. And the Pharisees were watching Him to see if He would heal the man on the Sabbath day, so that they could [find a reason to] accuse Him. And He said to the man whose hand was deformed, "Step forward."read more.
Then He said to the Pharisees, "Is it permissible by the law of Moses to do something good, or something harmful on the Sabbath day? To save a life or to kill it?" But they did not reply. And when He had looked around at them with righteous indignation, being grieved over their stubbornness, He said to the man, "Reach out your hand." And when he reached it out, his hand was restored [to normal use]. And the Pharisees immediately went out and conferred with the Herodians against Jesus, plotting how they could kill Him. [Note: These Herodians were members of a political party favoring King Herod]

Luke 6:6-11

And it happened on another Sabbath day, when Jesus entered the synagogue to teach, that a man was there whose right hand was deformed. And the experts in the law of Moses were watching Him to see if He would heal [someone] on the Sabbath day, so they could figure out how to accuse Him. But He knew what they were thinking. Then He said to the man with the deformed hand, "Get up, step forward in front of everyone." So, he got up and stepped forward.read more.
Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, is it permitted by the law of Moses to do something good or to do something harmful on the Sabbath day? To save a life or to destroy it?" Then He looked around at all of them [there] and said to the man, "Reach out your hand." And [when] he did this, his hand was restored [to normal use]. But the experts in the law of Moses and the Pharisees became furious and began discussing among themselves what they could do to Jesus.

Luke 13:10-17

Now Jesus was teaching in one of the [Jewish] synagogues on the Sabbath day. And just then [He met] a woman who had an [evil] spirit that had caused her to be deformed for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not raise herself up. [Note: This was probably osteomyelitis or osteoporosis]. And when Jesus saw her, He called and said to her, "Woman, you are freed from your deformed condition."read more.
Then He placed His hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God. But the official of the synagogue became angry because Jesus had healed [someone] on the Sabbath day. [Note: This was viewed as a violation of proper Sabbath day observance by certain Jews who interpreted the law of Moses with narrow legalism]. So, the official said to the crowd, "There are six days [in the week] for people to work. Therefore, you should come to be healed on one of them, and not on the Sabbath day." But the Lord answered them, "You hypocrites! Does not every one of you untie his ox or his donkey from its stall and lead it to water on the Sabbath day? So, should not this woman, being a daughter [i.e., descendant] of Abraham, whom Satan has bound [with this disease] for eighteen years, have been released from this bondage on the Sabbath day?" And as He said these things, all of His enemies felt ashamed [i.e., for objecting to such a noble act], but the whole crowd rejoiced over all the wonderful things He was doing.

John 9:1-41

As Jesus was walking along He saw a man [who had been] blind from birth. His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, did this man sin or was it his parents' [sin] that caused him to be born blind?" Jesus answered, "[It was] neither his sin nor his parents' [sin], but [it happened] so that the deeds of God could be seen in his life.read more.
While it is still daytime we must perform the acts of God, who sent me. Nighttime is coming, when no one can act. While I am in the world I am the light of the world." After He had said this, He spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva. Then He put the mud on the man's eyes and said to him, "[Now] go and wash in the pool of Siloam (which means "sent"). So, the man left and washed [in the pool], and [when he] returned, [he was] able to see. Then the neighbors, who had seen the man begging previously, said, "Is not this the man who [used to] sit there and beg?" Other people said, "[Yes], that is him," while [still] others said, "No, [it is not]; he [just] looks like him." The man said, "I am the one, [all right]." So, they said to him, "How was your sight restored, then?" He answered, "That man called Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes; then He said to me, 'Go to Siloam and wash [yourself].' So, I went and washed and my sight was [miraculously] restored." Then the people said to the man, "Where is he?" "I do not know," he replied. [So], they brought the man, who had been blind, to the Pharisees. Now it was the Sabbath day when Jesus had made the mud and restored the man's sight. So, the Pharisees also asked him again how his sight was restored. He said to them, "He put mud on my eyes; I washed [myself], and [now] I can see." Some of the Pharisees then said, "The man who did this is not from God, because he does not observe the Sabbath day. But other people said, "How could a man who is a sinner do such [miraculous] signs?" And the people were divided among themselves [over the issue]. So, they said to the [former] blind man again, "What do you have to say about the man, since [you say] he restored your sight?" The man replied, "He is a prophet." But these Jews [i.e., Pharisees] did not believe that the man had been blind and had received his sight back until they called his parents and asked them, "Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? How [is it] then, that he can now see?" His parents answered, "We know this is our son and that he was born blind. But as to how it is that he can now see, we do not know; and we do not know who restored his sight [either]. Ask him, for he is old enough and can answer for himself." His parents said these things because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities who had already decided that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Christ would be expelled from the synagogue. So, his parents said, "He is old enough, ask him." So, they called the [former] blind man a second time, and said to him, "Give honor to God [Note: In Jewish idiom this phrase meant "Tell the truth." See Josh. 7:19]; we know this man is a sinner." So, he answered, "I do not know if he is a sinner or not. But one thing I do know; I used to be blind, but now I can see." The Pharisees said to him, "What did he do to you? How did he restore your sight?" He answered them, "I just told you, but you would not listen. Why should I tell you again? Do you men want to become his disciples, too?" Then they began ridiculing him, saying, "You are his disciple, but we are Moses' disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this man, we do not [even] know where he came from." The man replied, "Is not that strange! You do not know where he came from and yet he restored my sight! [Note: The next sentence may be the beggar stating the Pharisees' argument. See verse 24]. We know that God does not listen to sinners [i.e., when they pray]; but God does listen to the person who reveres Him and does what He wants. It has never been heard of, since the world was created, that anyone has restored sight to a man born blind. Unless this man came from God, he would not be able to do anything [like this]." They replied to the beggar, "You were born entirely in sins [i.e., you have been a sinner all your life], and you are [trying] to teach us?" Then they threw him out [of the synagogue. See verse 22]. [When] Jesus heard that they had thrown the beggar out, He found him and asked him, "Do you believe in the Son of man?" He answered, "Who is he, sir? [Tell me], so I can believe in him." Jesus said to him, "You have seen Him and He is the One who is talking with you." And the man said, "Lord, I believe." And he knelt in front of Jesus [i.e., in reverence]. And Jesus said, "I came to this world to judge [it], so that people who can not see [spiritually] will [be able to] see; and those who [think they can] see [spiritually] will become blind." Some Pharisees, who were with Jesus, heard [Him say] these things, and replied, "Are we blind, too?" Jesus said to them, "If you were [really] blind [i.e., unable to see spiritually], you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim, 'We can see [fine],' you remain guilty of sin."

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James 2:22

[Do you not] see that faith cooperated together with his deeds, and faith was made complete by [his] deeds?

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