20 Bible Verses about Grace, In Human Relationships
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The natives [there] showed us uncommon kindness. It had begun to rain and was [getting] cold, so they built a fire and made us feel welcome.
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, addressed them, saying, "Rulers and elders of the people, if we are being questioned today concerning how this man with a serious handicap was made completely well, we want you men and all the people of Israel to know that this man was made completely well through the name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth. [He is the One] whom you people put to death on the cross, but God raised from the dead.
[though] we are slandered, we reply kindly. We have become [like] the scum of the earth, the dregs of all society, to this day.
But I tell you people who are listening [to me], love your enemies and do good things to those who hate you. [Ask God's] blessing on those who curse you; pray for those who treat you spitefully.
So, welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you [or, "us"], as a way of honoring God.
and be kind and compassionate toward one another, forgiving each other, just as God also forgave you [because of your fellowship] in Christ.
Go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not [only] sacrifice.' For I did not come to call righteous people [to be my followers] but sinners."
Then his master called for him and said to him, 'You wicked servant! I canceled all of your debt because you begged me to. Should you not also have had pity on your fellow-servant just as I pitied you?'
[Now] which of these three men do you think acted like a neighbor to the man attacked by the robbers?" And the teacher of the law of Moses said, "The person who showed pity on him." Then Jesus replied, "You go and do the same thing."
Pay attention to yourselves! "If your brother sins, rebuke him [i.e., show him where he is wrong in hope of effecting a change]; and if he repents [i.e., changes his heart and life], forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times a day and [then] comes to you seven times and says, 'I repent,' you should forgive him."
Now those of us who are strong [spiritually] should put up with [or, help] the failings of [spiritually] weak people, and not [simply] do what pleases ourselves. [Instead], each of us should do what pleases his neighbor in order to accomplish something good and uplifting [in his life].
Now to summarize: All of you should think alike. Be sympathetically understanding [toward one another]. Be loving toward [your] brothers [and sisters]. Be tender-hearted and humble-minded.
No one should look out for his own interests [only], but for the interests of others [as well].
You will be made rich in everything so you can be generous in every way. This will result in people thanking God [for what you have done] through us. For the rendering of this service not only [fully] meets the needs of the saints [i.e., God's holy people], but also produces overflowing expressions of thanksgiving to God from many people. Because you people have proven [yourselves] by this service, the poor Christians in Jerusalem will praise God for your obedient [spirit] in professing [commitment to] the Gospel of Christ, and for your generous contribution to them and to everyone else.
And we should not become tired of doing good things, for eventually we will receive [never ending life] if we do not give up. So then, we should do the right thing toward every person whenever we have the opportunity, and especially toward people who are part of God's family [i.e., those making up "the faith"].
[Urge them] to do what is good, to be rich in [the practice of] good deeds, to be generous and willing to share [with others].
For the Lord's slave must not quarrel, but be kind toward everyone, capable of teaching, [and] patient [with difficult people and situations].
But do not forget to do good deeds and share [with others], for God is very pleased with such "sacrifices."
And for this very reason, you people should make every effort to develop goodness along with your faith, and knowledge along with your goodness, and self-control along with your knowledge, and endurance along with your self-control, and godliness along with your endurance, and brotherly kindness along with your godliness, and with your brotherly kindness, develop love.
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