12 Bible Verses about Haughtiness

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 3:16

Because that daughters of Zion have been haughty, And they walk stretching out the neck, And deceiving with the eyes, Walking and mincing they go, And with their feet they make a tinkling,

Isaiah 16:6

We have heard of the pride of Moab -- very proud, His pride, and his arrogance, and his wrath, Not right are his devices.

Isaiah 24:4

Mourned, faded hath the land, Languished, faded hath the world, Languished have they -- the high place of the people of the land.

Jeremiah 48:29

We have heard of the arrogance of Moab, Exceeding proud! His haughtiness, and his arrogance, And his pride, and the height of his heart,

Zephaniah 3:11

In that day thou art not ashamed because of any of thine actions, Wherewith thou hast transgressed against Me, For then do I turn aside from thy midst The exulting ones of thine excellency, And thou dost add no more to be haughty, In My holy mountain.

Isaiah 10:12

And it hath come to pass, When the Lord doth fulfil all His work In mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I see concerning the fruit of the greatness Of the heart of the king of Asshur. And concerning the glory of the height of his eyes.

Psalm 131:1

A Song of the Ascents, by David. Jehovah, my heart hath not been haughty, Nor have mine eyes been high, Nor have I walked in great things, And in things too wonderful for me.

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