22 Bible Verses about Heavy Burdens
Most Relevant Verses
Come unto me! all ye that toil and are burdened, and, I, will give you rest:
When thou seest the ass of him that hateth thee sinking down under his burden, and mightest have foreborne to unload him, thou shalt surely help him to unload,
Now, therefore, whereas, my father, laid upon you a heavy yoke, I, will add to your yoke, - My father, did chastise you with whips, but, I, will chastise you with scorpions.
and spake unto them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father, made your yoke heavy, but, I, will add unto your yoke, - My father, chastised you, with whips, but, I, will chastise you, with scorpions.
But they bind together heavy burdens, and lay upon men's shoulders, whereas, they, with their finger, are not willing to move them.
And, he, said - And, for you, the lawyers, alas! because ye lade men with burdens hard to be borne, and, yourselves, with one of your fingers, touch not the burdens.
And Moses said unto Yahweh - Wherefore hast thou let thy servant come to grief, and wherefore have I not found favour in thine eyes, - that thou shouldest lay the burden of all this people upon me.
So spake unto you, at that time saying, I am unable, by myself, to carry you.
How should I carry by myself the fatigue of you and the burden of you and your controversies?
And David said unto him, - If thou pass over with me, then shalt thou become unto me, a burden;
whereas, the former pashas, who were before me, suffered themselves to be a burden upon the people, and took from them in bread and wine, besides forty shekels of silver, even, their young men, bare rule over the people, - but, I, did not so, because of the fear of God.
Heavy is a stone, and weighty is sand, - but, the vexation of a fool, is heavier than both.
When anxiety is in the heart of a man, one may bow him down, but, a good word, maketh him glad.
For, mine iniquities, have passed over my head, Like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me:
The yoke of my transgressions, hath been bound, by his hand - They have intertwined themselves, have come up on my neck, it hath paralysed my strength, - My Lord, hath delivered me, into the hands of those against whom I cannot rise up.
These last, one hour, wrought, and thou hast made them, equal unto us, who have borne the burden of the day, and the scorching heat.
For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our tribulation which happened in Asia, - that, exceedingly, beyond power, were we weighed down, so that we despaired, even of life.
But be taking heed unto yourselves, lest once your hearts be made heavy - with debauch and drunkenness and anxieties about livelihood, and that day come upon you suddenly,
For, of these, are they who enter into the houses, and captivate silly women, women laden with sins, led on by manifold covetings,