9 Bible Verses about Personal Responsibility
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If, however, anyone, for his own, and specially them of his household, taketh not forethought, his faith, hath he denied, and is worse, than one without faith!
For, we all, must needs be made manifest before the judgment seat of the Christ, that each one may get back the things done by means of the body, according to the things which he practised, whether good or corrupt.
Fathers shall not be put to death for sons, nor shall sons, be put to death for fathers, - every man, for his own sin, shall he put to death.
If thou art wise, thou art wise for thyself, but, if thou scoff, alone, shalt thou bear it.
But, every one, for his own iniquity, shall die, - Any human being who eateth the sour grapes, his own teeth, shall be blunted.
The person that sinneth, the same, shall die, - the son shall not bear a part of the iniquity of, the father, neither shall a father bear a part of the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous upon himself, shall be. And the lawlessness of a lawless man upon himself, shall be.
Who art, thou, that judgest another's domestic? To his own master, he standeth or falleth; he shall, however, be made to stand, - for his master is able to make him stand.
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Personal responsibility » Responsibility of stewardship
Who art, thou, that judgest another's domestic? To his own master, he standeth or falleth; he shall, however, be made to stand, - for his master is able to make him stand.
The person that sinneth, the same, shall die, - the son shall not bear a part of the iniquity of, the father, neither shall a father bear a part of the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous upon himself, shall be. And the lawlessness of a lawless man upon himself, shall be.
Fathers shall not be put to death for sons, nor shall sons, be put to death for fathers, - every man, for his own sin, shall he put to death.
If thou art wise, thou art wise for thyself, but, if thou scoff, alone, shalt thou bear it.
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