39 Bible Verses about High Priest, In Ot
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Herewith, shall Aaron come into the holy place, - With a bullock the choice of the herd as a sin-bearer, and a ram as an ascending-sacrifice.
And Yahweh spake unto Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, - when they had offered strange fire before Yahweh and died. And Yahweh said unto Moses - Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he do not come at all times into the holy place, within the veil, - into the presence of the propitiatory, which is upon the ark, so shall he not die, for, in the cloud, will I appear upon the propitiatory. Herewith, shall Aaron come into the holy place, - With a bullock the choice of the herd as a sin-bearer, and a ram as an ascending-sacrifice.read more.
A holy tunic of linen, shall he put on and drawers of linen, shall be upon his flesh, and with a band of linen, shall he gird himself, and with a turban of linen, shall his head be wrapped about, - holy garments, they are, therefore shall he bathe in water his flesh, and so put them on. And, from the assembly of the sons of Israel, shall he receive two he-goats, for bearing sin, - and one ram, as an ascending-sacrifice. Then shall Aaron bring near the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself, - and put a propitiatory-covering about himself, and about his household. Then shall he take the two goats, - and cause them to stand before Yahweh, at the entrance of the tent of meeting. And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, - one lot for Yahweh, and one lot for Azazel. Then shall Aaron bring near the goat over which came up the lot for Yahweh, - and shall make of hint a sin-bearer; but, the goat over which came up the lot for Azazel, shall he cause to stand alive - before Yahweh to put a propitiatory-covering over him, - to send him away unto Azazel, towards the desert. So Aaron shall bring near the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself, and shall put a propitiatory-covering about himself, and about his household, - and shall slay the sin-bearing bullock which is for himself; and shall take the censer-full of burning coals of fire from off the altar from before Yahweh, and his hands full of fragrant incense, beaten small, - and bring within the veil; and shall put the incense upon the fire before Yahweh, - and the cloud of incense shall cover the propitiatory which is over the testimony, and he shall not die. Then shall he take of the blood of the bullock, and shall sprinkle with iris finger upon the face of the propitiatory, eastwards, - and before the propitiatory, shall he sprinkle seven times, of the blood, with his finger. Then shall he slay the sin-bearing goat which is for the people, and bring in its blood, within the veil, - and do with its blood, as he did to the blood of the bullock, and shall sprinkle it, upon the propitiatory and before the propitiatory: so shall he put a propitiatory-covering, over the holy place because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions to the extent of all their sins, - and, so, shall he do for the tent of meeting which abideth with them, in the midst of their uncleanness. And no human being, shall be in the tent of meeting, when he cometh in to make a covering by propitiation in the holy place, until he goeth out, - so shall he put a propitiatory-covering about himself and about his household and about all the convocation of Israel. Then shall he go out unto the altar which is before Yahweh and shall put a propitiatory-covering thereupon, - and shall take of the blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat, and put upon the horns of the altar, round about; and shall sprinkle upon it, of the blood with his finger seven times, - and shall cleanse it and hallow it, from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel. And, when he hath made an end of covering by propitiation the holy place, and the tent of meeting, and the altar, then shall he bring near the living goat. And Aaron shall lean his two hands upon the head of the living goat, and confess over him, all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions, to the extent of all their sins, - and shall put them upon the head of the goat, and then send him away, by the hand of a man appointed towards the desert: so shall the goat hear upon him all their iniquities into a lone land, - and he shall set the goat free, in the desert. Then shall Aaron come into the tent of meeting, and put off the linen garments which he put on when he came into the holy place, - and shall leave them there; and shall bathe his flesh in water in a holy place, and put on his other garments, - and go forth, and offer his own ascending-sacrifice, and the ascending-sacrifice of the people, so shall he put a propitiatory-covering about himself, and about the people; and, with the fat of the sin-bearer, shall he make a perfume at the altar. And he that sent away the goat unto Azazel, shall wash - his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, - and, after that, shall he come into the camp. And the, sin-bearing bullock, and the sin-bearing goat whose blood was brought in to make a propitiatory-covering in the holy place, shall be carried forth outside the camp, - and they shall burn up, in fire, their skins and their flesh, and their dung; and he that hath burned them, shall wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, - and, after that, shall he come into the camp. And it shall become unto you, a statute age-abiding, - In the seventh month on the tenth of the month, Shall ye humble you souls And, no work, shall ye do, The home-born, Or the sojourner that sojourneth in your midst; For on this day, shall a propitiatory-covering, be put over you, to cleanse you, - From all your sins before Yahweh, shall ye be clean. A sabbath of sacred rest, it is unto you, Therefore shall ye humble your souls, A statute age-abiding. Therefore shall the priest who shall be anointed, and installed, to minister as priest in the stead of his father make propitiation, - So then he shall put on the linen garments the holy garments; And make propitiation for the holy sanctuary, And for the tent of meeting, and for the altar, shall he make propitiation, - Over the priests also and over all the people of the convocation, shall he put a covering by propitiation. So shall this become unto you an age-abiding statute, - to put a propitiatory-covering over the sons of Israel because of all their sins, Once in the year. And he did, As Yahweh commanded Moses.
May teach thy regulations unto Jacob, And thy law unto Israel, - May put incense in thy nostrils, And a whole-offering upon thine altar.
Artaxerxes, king of kings, Unto Ezra the priest, scribe of the law of the God of the heavens - To despatch and so forth.
So then Ezra the priest brought the law, before the convocation of both men and women, and all that had understanding to hearken, - on the first day of the seventh month;
and he put upon him the breastpiece, - and placed, in the breastpiece, the Lights and the Perfections;
And, before Eleazar the priest, shall he stand, and shall ask by him for the decision of the Lights, before Yahweh, - at the bidding thereof, shall they go out, and at the bidding thereof, shall they come in - he, and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the assembly.
And of Levi, he said: Let, thy perfections and thy lights, belong unto thy man of lovingkindness, - Whom thou didst put to the proof at Massah, With whom thou didst contend over the waters of Meribah;
And, at the evening gift, I arose from mine affliction, which had been accompanied by the rending of my garment and my robe, - and I bowed upon my knees, and spread forth my hands unto Yahweh my God;
But, they who were to encamp before the habitation eastwards before the tent of meeting, towards sunrise, were Moses and Aaron and his sons. to keep the charge of the sanctuary, as the charge of the sons of Israel and, the stranger that came near, was to be put to death.
Then brought he forth the king's son, and set upon him the crown, and the testimony, and they made him king, and anointed him, - and clapped their hands, and said - May the king live!
And it came to pass, after the plague, that Yahweh spake unto Moses, and unto Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, saying: Reckon ye up the sum of all the assembly of the sons of Israel from twenty years old and upwards, by their ancestral houses, - every one able to go forth to war in Israel.
And it shall be, when ye are coming nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people;
and thee cloths of variegated stuff, and the holy garments, for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, for ministering as priests;
If, the anointed priest, shall sin, so as to bring guilt upon the people, then shall he bring near for his sin which he hath committed a choice young bullock without defect, unto Yahweh as a sin-bearer.
Aaron also, and his sons, shalt thou anoint, - so shalt thou hallow them to minister as priests unto me.
And the anointed priest shall take of the blood of the bullock, - and bring it into the tent of meeting;
Therefore shall the priest who shall be anointed, and installed, to minister as priest in the stead of his father make propitiation, - So then he shall put on the linen garments the holy garments;
And, as for the high priest from among his brethren upon whose head is poured the anointing oil, and who is installed, by putting on the garments, His head, shall he not bare, And, his garments, shall he not rend;
Then hearkened Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jehoshua son of Jehozadak the high priest, and all the remnant of the people, unto the voice of Yahweh their God, and unto the words of Haggai the prophet, as Yahweh their God, had sent him, - and the people, stood in awe, before Yahweh. Then spake Haggai the messenger of Yahweh, in the message of Yahweh, to the people saying, - I, am with you, Declareth Yahweh. Thus did Yahweh, stir up - the spirit of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, pasha of Judah, and the spirit of Jehoshua son of Jehozadak the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people, - and they came in and did service in the house of Yahweh of hosts their God:
Speak, I pray thee, unto Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, pasha of Judah, and unto Jehoshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, - and unto the remnant of the people, saying: - Who is there among you that is left, that saw this house, in its former glory? And how do ye see it now? Is it not, in comparison with that, as nothing, in your eyes? Now, therefore - Be strong, O Zerubbabel, urgeth Yahweh, and be strong, O Jehoshua son of Jehozadak the high priest, and be strong, all ye people of the land, urgeth Yahweh, and work; For, I, am with you, Declareth Yahweh of hosts.
And he shewed me, Joshua the high priest, standing before the messenger of Yahweh, - and, the Accuser, standing at his right hand, to accuse him. Then said Yahweh unto the Accuser, Yahweh rebuke thee, O Accuser, Yea Yahweh rebuke thee, he who is choosing Jerusalem, - Is not, this, a brand snatched out of the fire? Now, Joshua, was clothed with filthy garments, - though standing before the messenger.read more.
Then responded he and spake unto those who were standing before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from off him; and he said unto him, See! I have caused to pass from off thee, thine iniquity, And will cause thee to be clothed in robes of state. Then said I, Let them put a clean turban upon his head, - So they put the clean turban upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and, the messenger of Yahweh, was standing up. So then the messenger of Yahweh did solemnly affirm unto Joshua, saying: Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, If, in my ways, thou wilt walk, and if, of my charge, thou wilt keep charge, Then, even thou, shalt govern my house, Moreover also, thou shalt have charge of my courts, - and I will give thee free access among these who stand by. Hear, I pray thee, O Joshua the high priest, thou and thy friends who are sitting before thee, for, men to serve as signs, they are, - For behold me! bringing in my servant, the Bud;
yea thou shalt take silver and gold, and make a crown, - and set it upon the head of Jehoshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest;
flow Melchizedek king of Salem, had brought forth bread and wine, - he, being priest of GOD Most High.
Yahweh, hath sworn - and will not repent, Thou, shalt be a priest unto times age-abiding, after the manner of Melchizedek.
If indeed, therefore, there had been, a perfecting through means of the Levitical priesthood, - for, the people, thereon, have had based a code of laws, what further need, according to the rank of Melchizedek, for a different priest to be raised up, and, not according to the rank of Aaron, to be designated?
but unto Aaron, and unto his sons, shalt thou give oversight, so shall they keep charge of their priesthood, - and, the stranger who cometh near, shall be put to death.
And Moses took of the anointing oil and of the blood that was upon the altar, and sprinkled upon Aaron, upon his garments, and upon his sons and upon the garments of his sons with him, - and hallowed Aaron, his garments, and his sons and the garments of his sons with him.
And, the man who shall do presumptuously by not hearkening unto the priest that standeth to minister there to Yahweh thy God, or unto the judge, that man shall die, and so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of Israel.
These, therefore are the garments which they shall make - a breastpiece, and an ephod and a robe, and a tunic of checker work, a turban and a girdle, - so shall they make holy garments for Aaron thy brother and for his sons, for ministering as priests unto me.
and put upon him the tunic and girded him with the band, and clothed him with the robe, and put upon him the ephod, and girded him with the curiously-woven band of the ephod, and bound it to him therewith; and he put upon him the breastpiece, - and placed, in the breastpiece, the Lights and the Perfections; and he put the turban upon his head, - and put upon the turban, on the forefront thereof the burnished plate of gold - the holy crown, As Yahweh commanded Moses.
A holy tunic of linen, shall he put on and drawers of linen, shall be upon his flesh, and with a band of linen, shall he gird himself, and with a turban of linen, shall his head be wrapped about, - holy garments, they are, therefore shall he bathe in water his flesh, and so put them on.
And Hannah rose up, after she had eaten in Shiloh, and after she had drunk, - and, Eli the priest, was sitting upon his chair, by the door-post of the temple of Yahweh;
And David said unto Ahimelech the priest - The king, hath charged me with a matter, and hath said unto me - Let, no man, know aught of the business on which I am sending thee, and with which I have charged thee, - But, unto the young men, have I appointed, such and such a place.
and David apportioned to them courses, both to Zadok of the sons of Eleazar, and to Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, - by their appointed place in their service.
So then King Ahaz went to meet Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, in Damascus, and saw the altar which was in Damascus, - and King Ahaz, sent unto Urijah the priest, a likeness of the altar, and a model thereof, according to all the workmanship thereof;
Go up unto Hilkiah, the high priest, that he pour out the silver that hath been brought into the house of Yahweh, - which the keepers of the entrance-hall have gathered from the people,
And the chief of the royal executioners took Seraiah the head priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, - and the three keepers of the entrance hall;
Then arose Eliashib the high priest and his brethren the priests, and built the sheep-gate, they, hallowed it, and set up the doors thereof, - even unto the tower of Hammeah, hallowed they it, unto the tower of Hananel;
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