19 Bible Verses about Lifting Hands
Most Relevant Verses
I am minded, therefore, that - the men in every place be offering prayer, uplifting hands of lovingkindness, apart from anger and disputings;
Then Aaron lifted up his hands towards the people, and blessed them, - and he came down from offering the sin-bearer, and the ascending-sacrifice and the peace-offering.
And it shall be when Moses shall lift on high his hands, then shall Israel prevail, but when he shall let down his hands, then shall Amalek prevail.
And Solomon stood before the altar of Yahweh, in the presence of all the convocation of Israel, - and spread forth his hands towards the heavens;
And it came to pass, when Solomon had made an end of praying unto Yahweh all this prayer and supplication, that he arose from before the altar of Yahweh, from kneeling on his knees, with his hands outspread to the heavens;
And Ezra blessed Yahweh the great God, - and all the people responded, Amen! Amen! with the lifting up of their hands, - and they bent their heads and bowed themselves down unto Yahweh, with their faces to the ground.
For I lift up unto the heavens my hand, - And say, Living am, I, unto times age-abiding:
Thus, will I bless thee while I live, In thy Name, will I lift up mine outspread hands:
That I may lift up my hands unto thy commandments, which I have loved, and may meditate in thy statutes.
Hear the voice of my supplication, when I cry to thee for help, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy shrine.
Arise, cry out in the night, At the beginning of the watches, pour out, like waters, thy heart, right before the face of My Lord, - Lift up, above thee, the palms of thy hands, for the life of thy children, who are swooning for hunger, at the top of all the streets!
Let us lift up our heart, to the opened palms, to the Mighty One in the heavens;
And, at the evening gift, I arose from mine affliction, which had been accompanied by the rending of my garment and my robe, - and I bowed upon my knees, and spread forth my hands unto Yahweh my God;
If I shook - against the fatherless - my hand, when I saw, in the gate, his need of my help,
And I heard the man clothed with linen who was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left unto the heavens, and sware by him that liveth unto times age-abiding, - For a set time and times and a half, and, when the dispersion of a part of the holy people, is brought to an end, then shall come to an end all these things.
Let thy hand be uplifted against thine adversaries, - and, all thine enemies, shall be cut off.
The mountains, have seen thee - they tremble, a downpour of waters, hath passed along, - the roaring deep, hath given forth, his voice, on high - his hand, hath he uplifted.
And he led them forth as far as unto Bethany; and, uplifting his hands, he blessed them.
And, the messenger, whom I saw standing upon the sea and upon the land, lifted up his right hand unto heaven,