6 Bible Verses about Jesus Christ, King
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But as he was a prophet, and knew that God had promised him with an oath that he would put one of his descendants upon his throne,
"Do not be afraid, Daughter of Zion! See, your king is coming mounted on an ass's colt!"
which will be brought about in his own time by the blessed, only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
They will make war upon the Lamb, and the Lamb with his elect, chosen, and faithful followers with him will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings.
On his clothing and his thigh he has this title written: King of kings and Lord of lords.
Pilate said to him, "Then you are a king?" Jesus answered, "As you say, I am a king. It was for this that I was born and for this that I came to the world, to give testimony for truth. Everyone who is on the side of truth listens to my voice."
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Jesus Christ, King » Foretold
Jesus Christ, King » Is king of zion
"Tell the daughter of Zion, 'Here is your king coming to you, Gentle, and riding on an ass, And on the foal of a beast of burden.' "
On the following day the crowds that had come up to the festival, hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, got palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "God bless him! God bless him who comes in the Lord's name! Blessings on the king of Israel!" And Jesus found a young ass and mounted it, in accordance with the Scripture, read more.
"Do not be afraid, Daughter of Zion! See, your king is coming mounted on an ass's colt!"
Jesus Christ, King » Shall overcome all his enemies
They will make war upon the Lamb, and the Lamb with his elect, chosen, and faithful followers with him will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings.
David himself, under the influence of the holy Spirit, said, " 'The Lord has said to my lord, "Sit at my right hand Until I put your enemies under your feet." '
for he must retain the kingdom until he puts all his enemies under his feet.
Jesus Christ, King » Has an universal kingdom
Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and loud voices were heard in heaven, saying, "The sovereignty of the world has passed into the possession of our Lord and his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever."
Jesus Christ, King » Supreme
and from Jesus Christ the trustworthy witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the sovereign of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has released us from our sins by his blood
On his clothing and his thigh he has this title written: King of kings and Lord of lords.
Jesus Christ, King » Glorious
It is a wisdom unknown to any of the authorities of this world, for otherwise they would never have crucified our glorious Lord.
My brothers, do you try to combine faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with acts of partiality?
Jesus Christ, King » Has an everlasting kingdom
Jesus Christ, King » Saints, the subjects of
He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us into the realm of his dear Son,
and they were singing the song of Moses, the slave of God, and the song of the Lamb: "Great and marvelous are your doings, Lord God Almighty! Upright and true are your ways, King of the Ages!
Jesus Christ, King » Saints shall behold
There will no longer be anything that is accursed. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his slaves will worship him; they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
Jesus Christ, King » Sits on the throne of david
Jesus Christ, King » Has a righteous kingdom
But of the Son he says, "God is your throne forever and ever! And a righteous scepter is the scepter of his kingdom! You have loved right and hated wrong! That is why God, your God, has anointed you with exhilarating oil beyond all your comrades."
Jesus Christ, King » Declared by himself
Then the king will say to those at his right, 'Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take possession of the kingdom which has been destined for you from the creation of the world.
Pilate said to him, "Then you are a king?" Jesus answered, "As you say, I am a king. It was for this that I was born and for this that I came to the world, to give testimony for truth. Everyone who is on the side of truth listens to my voice."
Jesus Christ, King » Kings shall do homage to
Jesus Christ, King » Acknowledged by » His followers
got palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "God bless him! God bless him who comes in the Lord's name! Blessings on the king of Israel!"
and to say, "Blessed is the king who comes in the Lord's name, Peace be in heaven and glory on high!"
Jesus Christ, King » Sits in the throne of God
I will permit him who is victorious to take his seat beside me on my throne, just as I have been victorious and taken my seat beside my Father on his throne.
Jesus Christ, King » Typified » David
Jesus Christ, King » Saints receive a kingdom from
So just as my Father has conferred a kingdom on me I confer on you the right to eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and to sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel!
Jesus Christ, King » Typified
Jesus Christ, King » Acknowledged by » The wise men from the east
and asked, "Where is the newly born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star rise and we have come to do homage to him."
Jesus Christ, King » His kingdom not of this world
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not a kingdom of this world. If my kingdom were a kingdom of this world, my men would have fought to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom has no such origin."
Jesus Christ, King » Written on his cross
Pilate had written a placard and had it put on the cross; it read "Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews."