21 Bible Verses about Knowing God's Character
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Give ear in heaven your living-place, and give him his desire, whatever it may be; so that all the peoples of the earth may have knowledge of your name, worshipping you as do your people Israel, and that they may see that this house which I have put up is truly named by your name.
Because he has given me his love, I will take him out of danger: I will put him in a place of honour, because he has kept my name in his heart.
For this time I will send all my punishments on yourself and on your servants and on your people; so that you may see that there is no other like me in all the earth.
And have knowledge of his desires, and are a judge of the things which are different, having the learning of the law,
And he who had had the one talent came and said, Lord, I had knowledge that you are a hard man, getting in grain where you have not put seed, and making profits for which you have done no work:
He said to him, By the words of your mouth you will be judged, you bad servant. You had knowledge that I am a hard man, taking up what I have not put down and getting in grain where I have not put seed;
But his lord in answer said to him, You are a bad and unready servant; if you had knowledge that I get in grain where I did not put seed, and make profits for which I have done no work,
And he made prayer to the Lord and said, O Lord, is this not what I said when I was still in my country? This is why I took care to go in flight to Tarshish: for I was certain that you were a loving God, full of pity, slow to be angry and great in mercy, and ready to be turned from your purpose of evil.
We have knowledge that God does not give ear to sinners, but if any man is a worshipper of God and does his pleasure, to him God's ears are open.
All things have been given to me by my Father: and no one has knowledge of the Son, but only the Father: and of the Father, but only the Son, and he to whom the Son will make it clear.
Because the knowledge of God may be seen in them, God having made it clear to them.
Who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord? or who has taken part in his purposes?
For who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord, so as to be his teacher? But we have the mind of Christ.
For this reason, we, from the day when we had word of it, keep on in prayer for you, that you may be full of the knowledge of his purpose, with all wisdom and experience of the Spirit,
In this we see what love is, because he gave his life for us; and it is right for us to give our lives for the brothers.
And we have seen and had faith in the love which God has for us. God is love, and everyone who has love is in God, and God is in him.
Now I am certain that the Lord is greater than all gods, for he has overcome them in their pride.
I see that you are able to do every thing, and to give effect to all your designs.
So that all the peoples of the earth may see that the hand of the Lord is strong; and that they may go in fear of the Lord your God for ever.
But against the children of Israel, man or beast, not so much as the tongue of a dog will be moved: so that you may see how the Lord makes a division between Israel and the Egyptians.
And he said, By tomorrow. And he said, Let it be as you say: so that you may see that there is no other like the Lord our God.
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