17 Bible Verses about The Wicked Will Perish
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Be waiting for the Lord, and keep his way; and you will be lifted up, and have the land for your heritage: when the evil-doers are cut off, you will see it.
The evil-doers are not so; but are like the dust from the grain, which the wind takes away.
Because the Lord sees the way of the upright, but the end of the sinner is destruction.
So that it might take a grip of the skirts of the earth, shaking all the evil-doers out of it?
When I say to the evil-doer, Death will certainly overtake you; and you say nothing to make clear to the evil-doer the danger of his way; death will overtake that evil man in his evil-doing, but I will make you responsible for his blood.
We have knowledge that God does not give ear to sinners, but if any man is a worshipper of God and does his pleasure, to him God's ears are open.
Have you not knowledge that evil-doers will have no part in the kingdom of God? Have no false ideas about this: no one who goes after the desires of the flesh, or gives worship to images, or is untrue when married, or is less than a man, or makes a wrong use of men,
Unhappy is the sinner! for the reward of his evil doings will come on him.
For the evil-doers will be cut off: but those who have faith in the Lord will have the earth for their heritage. For in a short time the evil-doer will be gone: you will go searching for his place, and it will not be there.
But the wrongdoers will come to destruction, and the haters of the Lord will be like the fat of lambs, they will be burned up; they will go up in smoke, and never again be seen.
But the evil-doers, all of them, will be like thorns to be pushed away, because they may not be gripped in the hand:
For the light of the sinner is put out, and the flame of his fire is not shining.
But the eyes of the evil-doers will be wasting away; their way of flight is gone, and their only hope is the taking of their last breath.
For you say, Where is the house of the ruler, and where is the tent of the evil-doer?
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