13 Bible Verses about Learning
Most Relevant Verses
Our people [i.e., the Christians there on Crete] also should learn to practice good deeds for meeting pressing needs, so that they can be productive [in the Lord's work].
[And] although He was a Son, still He learned obedience from the things He suffered,
Now the Jewish authorities were amazed, saying, "How can this man know so much, since he has never been educated?"
I am not saying this because of being in need, for I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances.
For whatever things were written previously [i.e., in the Old Testament], were intended for us to learn from, so that we could have hope [i.e., in the face of difficult times] through remaining steadfast, and through the encouragement [received] from reading the Scriptures.
From Thematic Bible
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About that time Jesus said [in prayer], "I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things [i.e., the significance of Jesus' words and works] from those who [thought they] were wise and intelligent and have [instead] revealed them to people who are child-like. Yes Father, you did this because it was very pleasing to you. "All things have been entrusted to me by my Father and no one [truly] knows the Son except the Father. And neither does anyone [truly] know the Father except the Son and that person to whom the Son wants to reveal Him. read more.
Come to me, all of you who are overworked and overburdened and I will give you rest [i.e., spiritual refreshment]. Accept my reins [on your life], and learn about me, because I am gentle and humble, and [in my service] you will experience rest in your spirits. For my reins [on your life] are easy [to respond to] and the burden I place [on you] is light."
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Learning » Those that learn of the lord
Jesus answered them, "Stop complaining among yourselves. No one can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, attracts him to me. [See verse 65]. And I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day. It is written in the prophets [Isa. 54:13], 'And they will all be taught by God.' [So], every person who has heard the Father and learned [from Him] will come to me.
Topics on Learning
Fruitless Learning
Ephesians 5:11Do not have fellowship with [people who practice] worthless deeds of darkness [i.e., sinful living], but expose them instead.
Learning From God
John 6:45It is written in the prophets [Isa. 54:13], 'And they will all be taught by God.' [So], every person who has heard the Father and learned [from Him] will come to me.
Learning From Jesus
Matthew 11:29Accept my reins [on your life], and learn about me, because I am gentle and humble, and [in my service] you will experience rest in your spirits.
Learning From Other People
Philippians 4:9You people should do those things which you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and [then] the God [who gives] peace will be with you.
Learning From The Holy Spirit
John 14:26But the Helper, that is, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name [i.e., by my authority] will teach you everything. And He will remind you of everything that I [have] said to you.
Learning From The Past
Romans 15:4For whatever things were written previously [i.e., in the Old Testament], were intended for us to learn from, so that we could have hope [i.e., in the face of difficult times] through remaining steadfast, and through the encouragement [received] from reading the Scriptures.
Learning Methods
Luke 2:46And it happened after three days that they found Him in the Temple, sitting in the middle of the [Jewish] teachers, listening to them and asking questions.
Learning The Right Way
Luke 1:79to shine on those who are sitting in darkness and [are under] the shadow of death, and to direct our feet into the way of peace."
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