6 Bible Verses about Lightning Used Metaphorically
Most Relevant Verses
The LORD also shall set up the power of his voice, and declare his terrible arm, with his angry countenance; yea, and the flame of the consuming fire, with earthquake, tempest of wind, and hailstones.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth unto the west: so shall the coming of the son of man be.
for as the lightning that appeareth out of the one part of the heaven, and shineth unto the other part of heaven, So shall the son of man be in his days.
Therefore have I cut down the prophets, and let them be slain for my words' sake: so that thy punishment shall come to light.
The chariots roll upon the streets, and welter in the highways. They are to look upon like cressettes of fire, and go swiftly as the lightning.
And he said unto them, "I saw Satan, as it had been lightning, fall down from heaven.