42 Bible Verses about Thunder

Most Relevant Verses

Job 28:26

When he set the rain in order, and gave the mighty floods a law;

Job 36:29

He can spread out the clouds - a covering of his tabernacle -

Psalm 93:4

The waves of the sea are mighty, and rage horribly; but yet the LORD that dwelleth on high is mightier.

Jeremiah 10:13

At his voice the waters gather together in the air; he draweth up the clouds from the utmost parts of the earth: he turneth lightning to rain, and bringeth forth the winds out of their treasures.

Jeremiah 51:16

As soon as he letteth his voice be heard, the waters in the air wax fierce: He draweth up the clouds from the ends of the earth. He turneth the lightnings to rain, he bringeth the winds out of their secret places.

Exodus 19:16

And the third day in the morning there was thunder, and lightning and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the horn waxed exceeding loud, and all the people that was in the host was afraid.

1 Samuel 12:17-18

Is it not now wheat harvest? And yet for all that, I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain. Wherefore, perceive and understand how that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the LORD in asking you a king." And when Samuel called unto the LORD, the LORD sent thunder and rain the same day. And all the people feared the LORD and Samuel exceedingly.

Job 26:14

This is now a short sum of his doings. But who is able sufficiently to rehearse his works? Who can perceive and understand the thunder of his power?"

Job 37:4-5

A roaring voice followeth him: for his glorious majesty giveth such a thunder clap, that, though a man hear it, yet may he not perceive it afterward. It giveth a horrible sound, when God sendeth out his voice: great things doth he, which we can not comprehend.

Psalm 18:13

The LORD also thundered out of the heaven, and the highest gave his thunder, with hailstones and coals of fire. {TYNDALE: The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most high put out his voice.}

Psalm 29:3

It is the LORD that commandeth the waters: It is the glorious God that maketh the thunder. It is the LORD that ruleth the sea.

Psalm 68:33

who sitteth in the heavens over all from the beginning. Lo, he doth send out his voice, yea and that a mighty voice.

Psalm 81:7

When thou calledest upon me in trouble, I delivered thee, and heard thee, what time as the storm fell upon thee. I proved thee also at the waters of strife. Selah.

John 12:29

Then said the people that stood by and heard, "It thundereth." Others said, "An angel spake to him."

Revelation 4:5

And out of the seat proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire, burning before the seat, which are the seven spirits of God.

Revelation 6:1

And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four beasts say, as it were the noise of thunder, "Come and see."

Revelation 8:5

And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth, and voices were made, and thunderings, and lightnings, and earthquake.

Revelation 10:3-4

And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth. And when he had cried, seven thunders spake their voices. And when the seven thunders had spoken their voices, I was about to write. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, "Seal up those things which the seven thunders spake, and write them not."

Revelation 11:19

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen, in his temple, the ark of his testament: and there followed lightnings, and voices, and thunderings and earthquake, and much hail.

Revelation 14:2

And I heard a voice from heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder. And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps.

1 Samuel 2:10

The LORD's adversaries shall be made to fear him: and out of heaven he shall thunder upon them. The LORD shall judge the ends of the world, and shall give might unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed."

Exodus 9:23

And Moses stretched out his rod unto heaven, and the LORD thundered and hailed, so that the fire ran along upon the ground. And the LORD so hailed in the land of Egypt

1 Samuel 7:10

And as Samuel offered the burnt offering, the Philistines came to fight against Israel. But the LORD thundered a great thunder the same day upon the Philistines, and turmoiled them, that they were beaten before Israel.

2 Samuel 22:14

The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most high put out his voice.

Psalm 77:17-18

The thick clouds poured out water, the air thundered, and thine arrows went abroad. The voice of thy thunder was heard round about; the lightnings shone upon the ground. The earth was moved, and shook withal.

Isaiah 29:6

Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of Hosts with thunder, earthquake, and with a great noise, with the whirlwind, tempest, and with the flame of a consuming fire.

Isaiah 30:30

The LORD also shall set up the power of his voice, and declare his terrible arm, with his angry countenance; yea, and the flame of the consuming fire, with earthquake, tempest of wind, and hailstones.

Isaiah 33:3

Grant that the people may flee at the anger of thy voice, and that at thine upstanding the Gentiles may be scattered abroad;

Jeremiah 25:30

"'Therefore tell them all these words, and say unto them: The LORD shall cry from above, and let his voice be heard from his holy habitation. With a great noise shall he cry from his regal court. He shall give a great voice, like the grape gatherers, and the sound thereof shall be heard unto the ends of the world.

Joel 2:11

The LORD shall show his voice before his host, for his host is great, strong and mighty to fulfill his commandment. This is that great and marvelous fearful day of the LORD: And who is able to abide it?

Joel 3:16

The LORD shall roar out of Zion, a cry out of Jerusalem; that the heavens and the earth shall quake withal. But the LORD shall be a defense to his own people, and a refuge for the children of Israel.

Amos 1:2

And he said, "The LORD shall roar out of Zion, and show his voice from Jerusalem: so that the pastures of the shepherds shall be in a miserable case, and the top of Carmel dried up.

Revelation 16:18

And there followed voices, thunderings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.

Judges 5:22

Then they mauled the horses' legs, that their mighty coursers left prancing.

Revelation 9:9

And they had habergeons, as it were habergeons of iron. And the sound of their wings, was as the sound of chariots when many horses run together to battle.

Mark 3:17

And he called James the son of Zebedee, and John, James' brother, and gave them Boanerges to name, which is to say, the Sons of Thunder.

From Thematic Bible

Abortion » Of animals » Thunder

Psalm 29:9

The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to bring forth young, and discovereth the thick bushes; in his temple doth every man speak of his honour.

Miracles » Catalogue of » Thunder

1 Samuel 12:16-18

Now also stand and see this great thing which the LORD will do before your eyes: Is it not now wheat harvest? And yet for all that, I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain. Wherefore, perceive and understand how that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the LORD in asking you a king." And when Samuel called unto the LORD, the LORD sent thunder and rain the same day. And all the people feared the LORD and Samuel exceedingly.

Thunder » Sent as a sign

Revelation 16:18

And there followed voices, thunderings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great.

Revelation 4:5

And out of the seat proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire, burning before the seat, which are the seven spirits of God.

1 Samuel 12:18

And when Samuel called unto the LORD, the LORD sent thunder and rain the same day. And all the people feared the LORD and Samuel exceedingly.

Thunder » Sent as punishment

1 Samuel 7:10

And as Samuel offered the burnt offering, the Philistines came to fight against Israel. But the LORD thundered a great thunder the same day upon the Philistines, and turmoiled them, that they were beaten before Israel.

Exodus 9:23

And Moses stretched out his rod unto heaven, and the LORD thundered and hailed, so that the fire ran along upon the ground. And the LORD so hailed in the land of Egypt

Psalm 78:48

How he smote their cattle also with hail stones, and their flocks with hot thunderbolts;

Thunder » On mount sinai

Exodus 19:16

And the third day in the morning there was thunder, and lightning and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the horn waxed exceeding loud, and all the people that was in the host was afraid.

Psalm 77:18

The voice of thy thunder was heard round about; the lightnings shone upon the ground. The earth was moved, and shook withal.

Hebrews 12:18-19

For ye are not come unto the mount that can be touched, and unto burning fire, nor yet to mist and darkness and tempest of weather, neither unto the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words: which voice they that heard it, wished away, that the communication should not be spoken to them.

Thunder » A manifestation of divine power

Psalm 77:18

The voice of thy thunder was heard round about; the lightnings shone upon the ground. The earth was moved, and shook withal.

Job 26:14

This is now a short sum of his doings. But who is able sufficiently to rehearse his works? Who can perceive and understand the thunder of his power?"

Thunder » A sign of divine anger

1 Samuel 12:17-18

Is it not now wheat harvest? And yet for all that, I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain. Wherefore, perceive and understand how that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the LORD in asking you a king." And when Samuel called unto the LORD, the LORD sent thunder and rain the same day. And all the people feared the LORD and Samuel exceedingly.

Thunder » Sent as a plague upon the egyptians

Exodus 9:23-34

And Moses stretched out his rod unto heaven, and the LORD thundered and hailed, so that the fire ran along upon the ground. And the LORD so hailed in the land of Egypt that there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, so grievous that there was none such in all the land of Egypt, since people inhabited it. And the hail smote in the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast. And the hail smote all the herbs of the field and broke all the trees of the field: read more.
only in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel were, was there no hail. And Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, "I have now sinned, the LORD is righteous and I and my people are wicked. Pray ye unto the LORD, that the thunder of God and hail may cease, and I will let you go, and ye shall tarry no longer." And Moses said unto him, "As soon as I am out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD, and the thunder shall cease, neither shall there be any more hail: that thou mayest know, how that the earth is the LORD's. But I know that thou and thy servants yet fear not the LORD God." The flax and the barley were smitten, for the barley was shot up and the flax was bolled: but the wheat and the rye were not smitten, for they were late sown. And Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh and spread abroad his hands unto the LORD, and the thunder and hail ceased, neither rained it any more upon the earth. When Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and thunder were ceased, he sinned again and hardened his heart: both he and his servants.

Thunder » The philistines, in battle with the people of israel

1 Samuel 7:10

And as Samuel offered the burnt offering, the Philistines came to fight against Israel. But the LORD thundered a great thunder the same day upon the Philistines, and turmoiled them, that they were beaten before Israel.

Thunder » Sent as a judgment

Isaiah 29:6

Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of Hosts with thunder, earthquake, and with a great noise, with the whirlwind, tempest, and with the flame of a consuming fire.

Thunder » Sons of zebedee called sons of

Mark 3:17

And he called James the son of Zebedee, and John, James' brother, and gave them Boanerges to name, which is to say, the Sons of Thunder.

Topics on Thunder

Thunder Expressing God's Judgment

Isaiah 29:6

Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of Hosts with thunder, earthquake, and with a great noise, with the whirlwind, tempest, and with the flame of a consuming fire.

Thunder Showing God's Presence

Job 36:33

The rising up thereof showeth he to his friends and to the cattle.

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