4 Bible Verses about Limits For The Sea

Most Relevant Verses

Job 38:10-11

and I prescribed my rule for it, and I set bars and doors, and I said, 'You shall come up to here, but you shall not go further, and here it will set [a boundary] {for your proud surging waves}'?

Proverbs 8:29

{when he assigned} his limits to the sea, that waters shall not transgress his {command}, {when he marked} the foundations of the earth,

Psalm 104:9

You set a boundary that they may not cross over, [so that] they would not return to cover the earth.

Jeremiah 5:22

Do you not revere me?" {declares} Yahweh, "Do you not tremble {before me}? For I have placed [the] sand [as] a boundary for the sea, {as an everlasting limit}, and it cannot pass over it, and they rise and fall loudly, but they cannot prevail, and its waves roar, but they cannot pass over it.

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