9 Bible Verses about Oceans
Most Relevant Verses
So God made the vaulted dome, and he caused a separation between the waters which [were] under the vaulted dome and between the waters which were over the vaulted dome. And it was so. And God called the vaulted dome "heaven." And there was evening, and there was morning, a second day. And God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear." And it was so.read more.
And God called the dry ground "earth," and he called the collection of the waters "seas." And God saw that [it was] good.
Look, he scatters his lightning around him, and he covers the roots of the sea.
"Or [who] shut [the] sea in with doors at its bursting, [when] it went out of [the] womb, at my making [the] clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and I prescribed my rule for it, and I set bars and doors,read more.
and I said, 'You shall come up to here, but you shall not go further, and here it will set [a boundary] {for your proud surging waves}'?
You covered it with [the] deep as with a garment. [The] waters stood above [the] mountains. At your rebuke they fled; at the sound of your thunder they ran off. They ascended [the] mountains [and] drained though the valleys to [the] place that you established for them.read more.
You set a boundary that they may not cross over, [so that] they would not return to cover the earth.
[Those who] went down to the sea into ships, doing business on [the] {high seas}, they saw the works of Yahweh, and his wonderful deeds in [the] deep.
Thus says Yahweh, who {makes} a way in the sea and a path in [the] mighty waters,
Do you not revere me?" {declares} Yahweh, "Do you not tremble {before me}? For I have placed [the] sand [as] a boundary for the sea, {as an everlasting limit}, and it cannot pass over it, and they rise and fall loudly, but they cannot prevail, and its waves roar, but they cannot pass over it.
Thus says Yahweh, who gives [the] sun for light by day, the regulations of [the] moon and [the] stars for light [by] night, who stirs up the sea and its waves roar--Yahweh of hosts [is] his name.