9 Bible Verses about Love Towards Christ, The Nature Of

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 7:47

And so I say to you, She will have forgiveness for her sins which are great in number, because of her great love: but he who has small need of forgiveness gives little love.

Song of Solomon 1:7

Say, O love of my soul, where you give food to your flock, and where you make them take their rest in the heat of the day; why have I to be as one wandering by the flocks of your friends?

Song of Solomon 2:5

Make me strong with wine-cakes, let me be comforted with apples; I am overcome with love.

Song of Solomon 8:6

Put me as a sign on your heart, as a sign on your arm; love is strong as death, and wrath bitter as the underworld: its coals are coals of fire; violent are its flames.

Song of Solomon 8:7

Much water may not put out love, or the deep waters overcome it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be judged a price not great enough.

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain