42 Bible Verses about Loving Children

Most Relevant Verses

Mark 9:37

Whoever will give honour to one such little child in my name, gives honour to me: and whoever gives honour to me, gives honour not to me, but to him who sent me.

Psalm 103:17

But the mercy of the Lord is eternal for his worshippers, and their children's children will see his righteousness;

Hosea 2:4

And I will have no mercy on her children, for they are the children of her loose ways.

2 John 1:1

I, a ruler in the church, send word to the noble sister who is of God's selection, and to her children, for whom I have true love; and not only I, but all who have knowledge of what is true;

Matthew 18:2

And he took a little child, and put him in the middle of them,

Hosea 3:1

And the Lord said to me, Give your love again to a woman who has a lover and is false to her husband, even as the Lord has love for the children of Israel, though they are turned to other gods and are lovers of grape-cakes.

Deuteronomy 21:15

If a man has two wives, one greatly loved and the other hated, and the two of them have had children by him; and if the first son is the child of the hated wife:

Psalm 69:36

The seed of his servants will have their part in it, and there the lovers of his name will have rest.

1 Kings 3:25

And the king said, Let the living child be cut in two and one half given to one woman and one to the other.

Luke 23:28

But Jesus, turning to them, said, Daughters of Jerusalem, let not your weeping be for me, but for yourselves and for your children.

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain