17 Bible Verses about Loving Evil
Most Relevant Verses
You who are haters of good and lovers of evil, pulling off their skin from them and their flesh from their bones;
You have more love for evil than for good, for deceit than for works of righteousness. (Selah.)
The lover of fighting is a lover of sin: he who makes high his doorway is looking for destruction.
As he took pleasure in cursing, so let it come on him; and as he had no delight in blessing, let it be far from him.
O you sons of men, how long will you go on turning my glory into shame? how long will you give your love to foolish things, going after what is false? (Selah.)
How long, you simple ones, will foolish things be dear to you? and pride a delight to the haters of authority? how long will the foolish go on hating knowledge?
This is what the Lord has said about this people: Even so they have been glad to go from the right way; they have not kept their feet from wandering, so the Lord has no pleasure in them; now he will keep their wrongdoing in mind and send punishment for their sins.
The prophets give false words and the priests give decisions by their direction; and my people are glad to have it so: and what will you do in the end?
But he who does evil to me, does wrong to his soul: all my haters are in love with death.
Have no love for the world or for the things which are in the world. If any man has love for the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For Demas has gone away from me, for love of this present life, and has gone to Thessalonica: Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil.
I made discovery of Israel as of grapes in the waste land; I saw your fathers as the first-fruits of the fig-tree in her early fruit time; but they came to Baal-peor, and made themselves holy to the thing of shame, and became disgusting like that to which they gave their love.
False to their friends, acting without thought, lifted up in mind, loving pleasure more than God;
Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.
He will have no respect for the gods of his fathers or for the god desired by women; he will have no respect for any god: for he will put himself on high over all.