26 Bible Verses about Avoiding Deceit
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If anyone does wrong, and is untrue to the Lord, acting falsely to his neighbour in connection with something put in his care, or something given for a debt, or has taken away anything by force, or has been cruel to his neighbour,
Or has taken a false oath about the loss of something which he has come across by chance; if a man has done any of these evil things,
Happy is the man in whom the Lord sees no evil, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
For it is said, Let the man who has a love of life, desiring to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his lips from words of deceit:
Do not be a violent witness against your neighbour, or let your lips say what is false.
So putting away all wrongdoing, and all tricks and deceits and envies and evil talk,
O you sons of men, how long will you go on turning my glory into shame? how long will you give your love to foolish things, going after what is false? (Selah.)
The rest of Israel will do no evil and say no false words; the tongue of deceit will not be seen in their mouth: for they will take their food and their rest, and no one will be a cause of fear to them.
That you are to put away, in relation to your earlier way of life, the old man, which has become evil by love of deceit;
For in the past we were foolish, hard in heart, turned from the true way, servants of evil desires and pleasures, living in bad feeling and envy, hated and hating one another.
This is what the king says: Do not be tricked by Hezekiah, for there is no salvation for you in him.
Be not tricked; God is not made sport of: for whatever seed a man puts in, that will he get back as grain.
Do not be turned from the right way by foolish words; for because of these things the punishment of God comes on those who do not put themselves under him.
Give no belief to false words: because there will first be a falling away from the faith, and the revelation of the man of sin, the son of destruction,
My little children, let no man take you out of the true way: he who does righteousness is upright, even as he is upright;
Put far from me all false and foolish things: do not give me great wealth or let me be in need, but give me only enough food:
Let my cause come to your ears, O Lord, give attention to my cry; give ear to my prayer which goes not out from false lips.
For our witness does not come from error or from an unclean heart or from deceit:
By glory and by shame, by an evil name and a good name; as untrue, and still true;
Truly, there is no deceit in my lips, and my tongue does not say what is false.
Take care that no one takes you away by force, through man's wisdom and deceit, going after the beliefs of men and the theories of the world, and not after Christ:
For this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: Do not let yourselves be tricked by the prophets who are among you, and the readers of signs, and give no attention to their dreams which they may have;
And it will come about in that day that the prophets will be shamed, every man on account of his vision, when he is talking as a prophet; and they will not put on a robe of hair for purposes of deceit:
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