23 Bible Verses about Making Christ Known

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John 14:22

Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it You’re going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?”

John 7:4

For no one does anything in secret while he’s seeking public recognition. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world.”

Matthew 9:26

And this news spread throughout that whole area.

Matthew 9:31

But they went out and spread the news about Him throughout that whole area.

Luke 17:30

It will be like that on the day the Son of Man is revealed.

Luke 22:67

They said, “If You are the Messiah, tell us.”

But He said to them, “If I do tell you, you will not believe.

John 7:26

Yet, look! He’s speaking publicly and they’re saying nothing to Him. Can it be true that the authorities know He is the Messiah?

John 21:1

After this, Jesus revealed Himself again to His disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed Himself in this way:

1 John 1:2

that life was revealed,
and we have seen it
and we testify and declare to you
the eternal life that was with the Father
and was revealed to us—

John 20:20

Having said this, He showed them His hands and His side. So the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

Galatians 1:15-16

But when God, who from my birth set me apart and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, so that I could preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone.

John 16:14

He will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.

Galatians 1:12

For I did not receive it from a human source and I was not taught it, but it came by a revelation from Jesus Christ.

John 16:15

Everything the Father has is Mine. This is why I told you that He takes from what is Mine and will declare it to you.

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