51 Bible Verses about Man And Woman

Most Relevant Verses

John 4:18

for five husbands thou hast had, and, now, he whom thou hast is not thy husband; this hast thou said truly.'

Genesis 2:22

And Jehovah God buildeth up the rib which He hath taken out of the man into a woman, and bringeth her in unto the man;

Proverbs 30:19

The way of the eagle in the heavens, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the heart of the sea, And the way of a man in youth.

1 Corinthians 7:4

the wife over her own body hath not authority, but the husband; and, in like manner also, the husband over his own body hath not authority, but the wife.

Ecclesiastes 7:28

(that still my soul had sought, and I had not found), One man, a teacher, I have found, and a woman among all these I have not found.

Deuteronomy 22:5

The habiliments of a man are not on a woman, nor doth a man put on the garment of a woman, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God is any one doing these.

John 4:17

the woman answered and said, 'I have not a husband.' Jesus saith to her, 'Well didst thou say -- A husband I have not;

Leviticus 15:18

'And a woman with whom a man lieth with seed of copulation, they also have bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

Joshua 2:4

And the woman taketh the two men, and hideth them, and saith thus: 'The men came in unto me, and I have not known whence they are;

Numbers 5:6

Speak unto the sons of Israel, Man or woman, when they do any of the sins of man, by committing a trespass against Jehovah, and that person is guilty,

Romans 1:27

and in like manner also the males having left the natural use of the female, did burn in their longing toward one another; males with males working shame, and the recompense of their error that was fit, in themselves receiving.

Numbers 31:17

'And now, slay ye every male among the infants, yea, every woman known of man by the lying of a male ye have slain;

Numbers 30:13

Every vow and every oath -- a bond to humble a soul -- her husband doth establish it, or her husband doth break it;

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