14 Bible Verses about Once
Most Relevant Verses
Else had it been needful for him, ofttimes, to suffer, from the foundation of the world; but, now, once for all, upon a conjunction of the ages, for a setting aside of sin through means of his sacrifice, hath he been made manifest;
For, in that he died, unto sin, died he once for all, but, in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
Who hath no daily necessity, like the high-priests, beforehand, over his own sins, to be offering sacrifices, after that, over those, of the people, - for, this, he did once for all when, himself, he offered up.
Thus, the Christ also, once for all having been offered, for the bearing of the sins, of many, a second time, apart from sin, will appear, to them who for him are ardently waiting - unto salvation.
By which will, we have been made holy, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all.
Nor yet through blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered once for all into the Holy place, age-abiding redemption discovering.
But this priest, having offered one sacrifice for sins evermore, sat down on the right hand of God:
For, by one offering, hath he perfected for evermore, them who are being made holy.
Then Yahweh came down, in the cloud, and spake unto him, and took e of the spirit that was upon him, and gave unto the seventy men - the elders. And it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and then did so no more.
I am minded, therefore, to put you in remembrance, - though ye know all things once for all, That the Lord, when a people out of Egypt he had saved, in, the next place, them that believed not, destroyed.
Topics on Once
Atonement, Made Once
Hebrews 7:27Who hath no daily necessity, like the high-priests, beforehand, over his own sins, to be offering sacrifices, after that, over those, of the people, - for, this, he did once for all when, himself, he offered up.
Once A Day
Numbers 7:11And Yahweh said unto Moses: Each prince on his appointed day, thus shall they offer their oblation, for the dedication of the altar.
Once Saved Always Saved
John 10:27-29My sheep, unto my voice, hearken, - and, I, know, them, and they follow me, -
Only Once
Hebrews 9:26Else had it been needful for him, ofttimes, to suffer, from the foundation of the world; but, now, once for all, upon a conjunction of the ages, for a setting aside of sin through means of his sacrifice, hath he been made manifest;