18 Bible Verses about Passing By
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And, all his servants, were passing on beside him, and all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites, - and, all the Gittites - six hundred men, who had accompanied him from Gath, - were passing on before the king.
And so it was that, as the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman, made outcry unto him, saying - Save, my lord, O king!
And he said - Go forth to-morrow, and stand in the mountain, before Yahweh. And lo! Yahweh, passing by, and a great and strong wind - rending the mountains, and breaking in pieces the crags, before Yahweh, Not, in the wind, was, Yahweh, - And, after the wind, an, earthquake, Not, in the earthquake, was, Yahweh;
And I passed by thee and looked upon thee and lo! thy time was the time for endearments, So I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy shame, And took an oath to thee And entered into covenant with thee. Declareth My Lord. Yahweh. And thou didst become mine.
And I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, thrusting about thee in thy blood, And said to thee - Despite thy blood, ye! Yea I said to thee - Despite thy blood, live!
And, seeing them distressed in the rowing, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night, he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, - and was wishing to pass by them.
and lo! two blind men, sitting beside the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried aloud saying - Lord! have mercy on us! Son of David!
Neither have the passers-by ever said, The blessing of Yahweh, be unto you, - We have blessed you in the Name of Yahweh.
Then didst thou trust in thy beauty, And become unchaste, because of thy fame,- And didst pour out thine unchastity upon every passer-by, his it was!
Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Look around and see, whether there is pain like my pain, which is severely dealt out to me, - in that Yahweh, hath caused grief, in the day of the glow of his anger?
And, by chance, a certain priest, was coming down by that road, and, seeing him, passed by, on the opposite side.
And, in like manner, a Levite also, coming down to the place, and seeing him, passed by, on the opposite side.
As soon as I am journey to Spain, - I am hoping, in fact, when journeying through to get sight of you, and by you to be set forward thither, - if, with your company, I have first in some measure been satisfied.
and said, - O My Lord! if, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, do not I pray thee pass on from thy servant.
A witness, be this heap, and, a witness, the pillar, - That, I, am not to pass, unto thee, over this heap, And, thou, art not to pass, unto me, over this heap and this pillar for harm.
And, when he, came, unto the other side, into the country of the Gadarenes, there met him, two men demonized, out of the tombs, coming forth, - fierce exceedingly, so that no one could pass that way;