24 Bible Verses about Promises To Stand on

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 1:19-20

For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the one who was proclaimed among you by us, by me and Silvanus and Timothy, did not become "yes" and "no," but has become "yes" in him. For as many as [are the] promises of God, in him [they are] "yes"; therefore also through him [is] the "amen" to the glory of God through us.

Joshua 23:14

Look! {I am about to die}, and you know in all your hearts and souls that not one thing {failed} from all the good things that Yahweh your God promised concerning you; everything {has been fulfilled}; {not one thing failed}.

Ezekiel 36:26

And I will give a new heart to you, and a new spirit I will give into your inner parts, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and I will give to you a heart of flesh.

Micah 7:19

{He will again have compassion} on us; he will trample our iniquities. And you will hurl all their sins in the depths of the sea.

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such things [there] is no law.

Isaiah 49:25

But thus says Yahweh: "Indeed a captive of [the] mighty shall be taken, and [the] war-booty [of] [the] tyrant shall be rescued, for I myself will dispute [with] your opponent, and I myself will save your children.

Jeremiah 30:17

For I will present healing to you, and I will heal you of your wounds,' {declares} Yahweh. 'Because they have called you an outcast, [saying], "It is Zion, there is no [one who] cares for her." '

Psalm 91:4-6

With his feathers he will cover you, and under his wings you can take refuge. His faithfulness [will be] a shield and a buckler. You need not fear [the] terror of [the] night, [or the] arrow [that] flies by day, [or the] plague [that] spreads in the darkness, [or the] destruction [that] devastates at noon.

John 5:28-29

"Do not be astonished [at] this, because an hour is coming in which all those in the tombs will hear his voice and they will come out--those who have done good [things] to a resurrection of life, but those who have practiced evil [things] to a resurrection of judgment.

John 14:2-3

In my Father's house there are many dwelling places; but if not, I would have told you, because I am going away to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also.

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