34 Bible Verses about Purgatory

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 16:26

And, besides all these things, betwixt us and you, a great chasm, hath been fixed, - so that, they who might wish to cross over from hence unto you, should not be able, nor any, from thence unto us, be crossing over.

1 Corinthians 3:15

If, anyone's work, shall be burnt up, he shall suffer loss, but shall, himself, be saved - though, thus, as through fire.

Isaiah 6:6

Then flew unto me one of the seraphim, And in his hand, a live coal, - With tongs, had he taken it from off the altar.

1 Corinthians 3:13

Each one's work, shall be made, manifest; for, the day, will make it plain, because, by fire, is it to be revealed, - and, each one's work, of what sort it is, the fire itself will prove: -

Luke 12:58

For, as thou art going along with thine adversary unto a ruler, on the way, take pains to get a release from him; lest once he drag thee along unto the judge, and, the judge, deliver thee up to the punisher, - and, the punisher, cast thee into prison:

Hebrews 10:17

He also saith - of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more.

Luke 16:23

And, in hades, lifting up his eyes, being in torments, he seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

1 Samuel 25:44

Saul, indeed, had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, - to Palti, sun of Laish, who was of Gallim.

Job 24:18

Swift is he on the face of the waters, Speedily vanished their share in the land, He turneth not to the way of the vineyards.

2 Timothy 1:18

The Lord grant him to find mercy from the Lord in, that, day; - and, how many times, in Ephesus, he hath ministered, better art, thou, getting to know.

Job 24:20

Maternal love shall forget him, the worm shall find him sweet, No more shall he be remembered, but perversity shall be shivered like a tree.

1 Peter 3:19

In which, even unto the spirits in prison, he went and proclaimed, -

Job 24:8

With the sweeping rain of the mountains, are they wet, and, through having no shelter, they embrace a rock.

Revelation 4:8

and, the four living creatures, each one of them, have severally six wings, round about and within, full of eyes; and they, cease, not, day and night, saying - Holy! holy! holy! Lord, God, the Almighty, - Who was, and Who is, and Who is coming.

2 Timothy 1:3

Grateful, am I, unto God, - unto whom I am rendering divine service from my progenitors in a pure conscience, that, incessant, hold I the remembrance, concerning thee, in my supplications; day and night,

Matthew 5:23

If, therefore, thou be bearing thy gift towards the altar, and, there, shouldst remember that, thy brother, hath aught against thee,

Job 24:13

They, have become rebels against the light, - they are not acquainted with the ways thereof, neither abide they in the paths thereof.

Job 24:12

Out of the city - out of the houses, they make outcry. and, the soul of the wounded, calleth for help, and, GOD, doth not regard it as foolish.

Job 24:1

Wherefore, since from the Almighty times are not hid, have, his knowing ones, no vision of his days?

Job 24:15

And, the eye of the adulterer, watcheth for the evening twilight, saying, Not an eye will see me! A covering for the face, he putteth on;

Revelation 4:1

After these things, I saw, and lo! a door set open in heaven; and, the first voice which I heard as of a trumpet, speaking with me, saying - Come up hither! and I will point out to thee the things which must needs come to pass. After these things,

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