31 Bible Verses about Rooftop

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 10:27

What I tell you in darkness you must speak in the daylight, and what is whispered in your ear you must shout from the housetops.

Luke 12:3

Therefore, what you have said in darkness will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in private rooms will be shouted from the housetops."

Genesis 6:16

Make a roof for the ark, and finish the walls to within one cubit from the top. Place the entrance in the side of the ark, and build a lower, a middle, and an upper deck.

Genesis 19:8

Look here, I have two daughters who are virgins. Let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them whatever you wish, only don't do anything to these men, because they're here under my protection."

Deuteronomy 22:8

"When you build a new house, install a parapet along your roof so that if someone falls from the roof, you won't bring guilt of bloodshed on your house."

Mark 2:4

Since they couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof over the place where he was. They dug through it and let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.

Luke 5:19

When they couldn't find a way to get him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down on his stretcher through the tiles into the middle of the room, right in front of Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 10:18

Through slothfulness the roof deteriorates, and a house leaks because of idleness.

Isaiah 15:3

In its streets they wear sackcloth; on its rooftops and in its squares everyone wails and falls down weeping.

Daniel 4:29

About a year later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon,

Joshua 2:6

But she had taken them up to the roof and had hidden them among stalks of flax that she had laid out in order on the roof.

Joshua 2:8

Before the scouts had lain down, she went up to them on the roof

Judges 9:51

But there was a fortified tower in the center of the city, and all the men, women, and leaders of the city escaped to it, shut themselves in, and went up to the roof of the tower.

Judges 16:27

Now the building was full of men, women, and all the Philistine officials, with about 3,000 men and women on the roof watching Samson while he was entertaining them.

1 Samuel 9:25

When they had come down from the high place into town, Samuel spoke to Saul on the roof.

1 Samuel 9:26

They got up early in the morning, and about daybreak Samuel called to Saul on the roof, "Get up and I'll send you off." Saul got up and the two of them, he and Samuel, went outside.

2 Samuel 11:2

Late one afternoon about dusk, David got up from his couch and was walking around on the roof of the royal palace. From there he watched a woman taking a bath, and she was very beautiful to look at.

2 Samuel 16:22

So they erected a tent for Absalom on the palace roof and Absalom went in and had sex with his father's mistresses right in front of all Israel.

2 Samuel 18:24

Meanwhile, David was sitting between the inner and outer gates of the city. The watchman was up on the roof of the gateway near the walls, looking around, and there was a man running by himself!

Isaiah 22:1

A message concerning the Valley of Vision. "What troubles you, now that you've all gone up to the rooftops,

Jeremiah 19:13

The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah will be polluted like Topheth, as will be all the houses on whose roofs people burned incense to all the host of heaven and poured out liquid offerings to other gods."'"

Jeremiah 32:29

The Chaldeans who are fighting against this city will come, set this city on fire, and burn it along with the houses on whose roofs incense was burned to Baal and liquid offerings were poured out to other gods in order to provoke me.

Zephaniah 1:5

I'll wipe out those who worship the stars that they view from their housetops, those who bow down and swear to the LORD and who also swear by Milcom,

Matthew 24:17

Anyone who's on the housetop must not come down to get what is in his house,

Mark 13:15

The one who's on his housetop must not come down and go into his house to take anything out of it,

Luke 17:31

"The person who is on the housetop that day must not come down to get his belongings out of his house. The person in the field, too, must not turn back to what's left behind.

Jeremiah 48:38

On all the housetops of Moab and in the streets there will be nothing but mourning, for I'll break Moab like a vessel that no one wants," declares the LORD.

Acts 10:9

Around noon the next day, while they were on their way and coming close to the town, Peter went up on the roof to pray.

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