46 Bible Verses about Surrender
Most Relevant Verses
And if thou wilt not go forth to the chiefs of the king of Babel, and this city was given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they burnt it with fire, and thou shalt not escape from their hand.
Know ye not, that to whom ye present yourselves servants for obedience, ye are servants to whom ye listen; either of sin to death, or of obedience to justice?
And if I feed out all my goods, and if I deliver my body that I be burned, and have not love, I am profited nothing.
And Jehovah made known to me and I shall know: then thou caused me to see their doings.
Then the end, when he should deliver up the kingdom to God, and the Father; when he should leave unemployed every beginning and every authority and power.
Shout against her round about: she gave her hand: her supports fell, her walls were pulled down: for it is the vengeance of Jehovah: avenge ye upon her; as she did, do ye to her.
And rend your heart and not your garments, and turn back to Jehovah your God: for he is merciful and compassionate, slow of anger and of much kindness, and lamenting on account of the evil.
Thou wilt not give me to the soul of him pressing me, for witnesses of falsehood rose up against me, and violence will blow.
Neither present ye your members weapons of injustice to sin: but present yourselves to God, as living from the dead, and your members weapons of justice to God.
Be subjected therefore to God. Resist the accuser, and he will flee from you.
And Jeremiah will say to Zedekiah, Thus said Jehovah, God of armies, God of Israel, If going forth, thou wilt go forth to the chiefs of the king of Babel, and thy soul lived, and this city shall not be burnt with fire; and thou livedst and thy house:
Behold, gathering, it shall gather together, not from me: who sojourned with thee shall fall for thee.
Jehovah will watch him and preserve him alive; he shall be happy upon the earth, and thou wilt not give him to the soul of his enemies.
And the old men of Jabesh will say to him, Let go to us seven days, and we will send messengers in every bound of Israel: and if none save us we will come forth to thee.
How shall I give thee up, O Ephraim? Shall I deliver thee over, O Israel? How shall I give thee as the earth? Shall I set thee as roes? My heart was turned upon me; my grievings were kindled together.
When thou shalt come near to a city to war against it, and call peace to it.
And ye were not willing to go up, and ye will rebel against the mouth of Jehovah your God,
The nobles of the peoples were gathered together, the people of the God. of Abraham: for to God the shields of the earth: he was lifted up greatly.
And Jesus having answered, said to them, Give back Caesar's things to Caesar, and the things of God to God. And they wondered at him.
Then shall he answer them saying, Inasmuch as ye did not to one of the least of these, ye did not to me.
Say to the king and to the mistress, Humble yourselves, sit down: for the crown of your glory was brought down from your heads.
Who was delivered up for our faults, and raised up for our justification.
I Beseech you therefore, brethren, by the compassions of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, your reasonable service.
(I speak as man through the weakness of your flesh:) for as ye presented your members to uncleanness and iniquity; so now present ye your members servants to justice for consecration.
He dwelling in this city shall die. by the sword, and by the famine, and by death: and he going forth and falling to the Chaldeans pressing upon you, shall live, and his soul was to him for booty.
If we said, We will go into the city, and the famine in. the city, and our death there: and if we sat here, and we died. And now come, and we will fall to the camp of Aram: if they will save us alive we shall live; and if they will kill us, and we died.
To whom we yielded in subjection, not for an hour; that the truth of the good news might remain with you.
And I shall hear one holy one speaking, and one holy one will say to a certain one, speaking, How long the vision of the continuance, and the transgression laying waste, to be? and the holy place and the army being trodden down?
And he loosed to them him cast into prison for sedition, and slaughter, which they demanded; and delivered Jesus to their will.
Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander; whom I have delivered to Satan, that they should not be taught to blaspheme.
Let the husband return to the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife to the husband.
And Jesus having cried with a great voice, said, Father, into thy hands will I commit my spirit: and having said these, he expired.

To deliver such a one to Satan for the ruin of the flesh, that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
Jerusalem, the mountains are round about to her; and Jehovah is round about to his people from now and even to forever.
And Nahash the Ammonite will say to them, Upon this I will cut out to you in boring out for you every right eye, and I put it a reproach upon all Israel.
Ye shall not hear to Hezekiah: for thus said the king of Assur, Make me a gift, and come forth to me, and eat ye a man his vine and a man his fig tree, and drink ye a man water of his well,
Ye shall not hear to them; serve ye the king of Babel, and live: wherefore shall this city be laid waste?
And Jehoiachin king of Judah will go forth upon the king of Babel, he and his mother, and his servants, and his chiefs, and his eunuchs: and the king of Babel will take him in the eighth year to his reigning.