7 Bible Verses about Take Courage!
Most Relevant Verses
And immediately Jesus spake to them, saying, Be of good courage: it is I; be not terrified.
for they all saw him, and were greatly agitated: and straitway he spoke to them, and said, Take courage, it is I, be not terrified.
And Jesus stood still, and ordered him to be called: and they call the blind man, saying to him, Cheer up, arise; he calleth thee.
And lo! they brought him a paralytic stretched on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, Be of good cheer, son; thy sins are forgiven thee.
Then Jesus, turning about and beholding her, said, Be encouraged, daughter; thy faith hath saved thee. And the woman was cured from that hour.
Yet even now I exhort you to be of good courage: for there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
Wherefore, sirs, cheer up: for I believe God that it will be so, exactly as he hath spoken to me.
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