26 Bible Verses about The Day Of Judgement
Most Relevant Verses
I tell all of you with certainty, it will be more bearable for the region of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town!"
Indeed I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on Judgment Day than for you!
Indeed I tell you, it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom on Judgment Day than for you!"
I tell you, on Judgment Day people will give an account for every thoughtless word they have uttered,
then the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials and to hold unrighteous people for punishment on the day of judgment,
Now by that same word, the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be judged and destroyed.
This is how love has been perfected among us: we will have confidence on the day of judgment because, during our time in this world, we are just like him.
He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the time for him to judge has arrived. Worship the one who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."
because he has set a day when he is going to judge the world with justice through a man whom he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead."
on that day when God, through Jesus the Messiah, will judge people's secrets according to my gospel.
For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to endure it?"
Another angel came out of the Temple, crying out in a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, "Swing your sickle, and gather the harvest, for the hour has come to gather it, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."
"The one who flees from the terror will fall into a pit. And the one who comes up out of the pit will be caught in a trap. For I'll bring upon her, that is upon Moab, the time of her punishment," declares the LORD.
"Look, I'm against you, arrogant one," declares the LORD God of the Heavenly Armies. "Indeed your day is coming, the time of your judgment.
"So now, you dishonored and wicked prince of Israel, whose day has come in this time of final punishment,
Therefore their way will be slippery. They'll be driven out into the darkness, where they'll fall. For I'll bring disaster on them, the year of their judgment," declares the LORD.
"You are to say, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "The city keeps on shedding blood within her, hastening her time to be judged. She crafts idols that defile her.
"For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year for my redeeming work had come.
"For the LORD of the Heavenly Armies has reserved a time to oppose all who are proud and haughty, and the self-exalting they will be humbled.
For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for Zion's cause.
People heard how I groan, with no one to comfort me. All my adversaries have heard about my troubles; they rejoice that you have caused them. Bring on the day you have promised, so my adversaries will become like me.
because these are the days of vengeance when all that is written will be fulfilled.
the workmanship of each person will become evident, for the day of judgment will show what it is, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's action.
You have lived in luxury and pleasure on earth. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.
The nations were angry, but the time for your wrath has come. It is time for the dead to be judged to reward your servants, the prophets, the saints, and all who fear your name, both unimportant and important, and to destroy those who destroy the earth."