11 Bible Verses about Trouble

Most Relevant Verses

From Thematic Bible

Days » A time of judgment called a day of » Trouble

Trouble » Common to all men

More verses: Psalm 116:3 Jeremiah 8:15

Trouble » Trouble, borrowing » Borrowing

Matthew 14:30

But, when he felt the wind, he was frightened, and, beginning to sink, cried out: "Master! Save me!"

Mark 5:33

Then the woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself down before him, and told him the whole truth.

Mark 16:5

Going into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on their right, in a white robe, and they were dismayed; But he said to them:

More verses: Luke 1:12

Trouble » Borrowing

Matthew 6:25-34

That is why I say to you, Do not be anxious about your life here--what you can get to eat or drink; nor yet about your body-- what you can get to wear. Is not life more than food, and the body than its clothing? Look at the wild birds--they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them! And are not you more precious than they? But which of you, by being anxious, can prolong his life a single moment? read more.
And why be anxious about clothing? Study the wild lilies, and how they grow. They neither toil nor spin; Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor was not robed like one of these. If God so clothes even the grass of the field, which is living to-day and to-morrow will be thrown into the oven, will not he much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Do not then ask anxiously 'What can we get to eat?' or 'What can we get to drink?' or 'What can we get to wear?' All these are the things for which the nations are seeking, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But first seek his Kingdom and the righteousness that he requires, and then all these things shall be added for you. Therefore do not be anxious about to-morrow, for to-morrow will bring its own anxieties. Every day has trouble enough of its own.

Mark 5:35-36

Before he had finished speaking, some people from the house of the President of the Synagogue came and said: "Your daughter is dead! Why should you trouble the Teacher further?" But Jesus, overhearing what they were saying, said to the President of the Synagogue: "Do not be afraid; only have faith."

More verses: John 16:6-7

Trouble » Instances of » When the spies brought their adverse report

Trouble » Instances of » During the squall, when jesus was asleep in the boat

Luke 8:22-24

One day about that time, Jesus got into a boat with his disciples and said to them: "Let us go across the lake." So they put off. While they were sailing, Jesus fell asleep. A squall swept down upon the lake, and their boat was filling and they were in danger. So the disciples came and roused him. "Sir, Sir," they cried, "we are lost!" Jesus rose and rebuked the wind and the rushing waves, and they fell, and a calm followed.

Matthew 8:23-26

Then he got into the boat, followed by his disciples. Suddenly so great a storm came on upon the Sea, that the waves broke right over the boat. But Jesus was asleep; And the disciples came and roused him. "Master," they cried, "save us; we are lost!" read more.
"Why are you so timid?" he said. "O men of little faith!" Then Jesus rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and a great calm followed.

Mark 4:36-39

So, leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. A violent squall came on, and the waves kept dashing into the boat, so that the boat was actually filling. Jesus was in the stern asleep upon the cushion; and the disciples roused him and cried: "Teacher! is it nothing to you that we are lost?" read more.
Jesus rose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: "Hush! Be still!" Then the wind dropped, and a great calm followed.

Trouble » Why people have trouble

Trouble » Business family » Rebekah and her daughters-in-law

Trouble » Instances of » About water

Trouble » Not being troubled

John 16:31-33

"Do you believe that already?" Jesus answered. "Listen! a time is coming--indeed it has already come--when you are to be scattered, each going his own way, and to leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have spoken to you in this way, so that in me you may find peace. In the world you will find trouble; yet, take courage! I have conquered the world."

John 14:23-27

"Whoever loves me," Jesus answered, " will lay my Message to heart; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. He who does not love me will not lay my Message to heart; and the Message to which you are listening is not my own, but that of the Father who sent me. I have told you all this while still with you, read more.
But the Helper--the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my Name--he will teach you all things, and will recall to your minds all that I have said to you. Peace be with you! My own peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, or dismayed.

Trouble » Instances of » When jesus was crucified

Luke 24:4-9

While they were at a loss to account for this, all at once two men stood beside them, in dazzling clothing. But, when in their fear the women bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them: "Why are you looking among the dead for him who is living? [He is not here; but he has risen.] Remember how he spoke to you before he left Galilee-- read more.
How he said that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of wicked men, and be crucified, and rise again on the third day." Then they remembered the words of Jesus, And, on returning from the tomb, they told all this to the Eleven and to all the rest.

Luke 24:24-31

So some of our number went to the tomb and found everything just as the women had said; but they did not see Jesus." Then Jesus said to them: "O foolish men, slow to accept all that the Prophets have said! Was not the Christ bound to undergo this suffering before entering upon his Glory?" read more.
Then, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them all through the Scriptures the passages that referred to himself. When they got near the village to which they were walking, Jesus appeared to be going further; But they pressed him not to do so. "Stay with us," they said, "for it is getting towards evening, and the sun in already low." So Jesus went in to stay with them. After he had taken his place at table with them, he took the bread and said the blessing, and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him; but he disappeared from their sight.

Luke 24:36-40

While they were still talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, [and said "Peace be with you."] In their terror and alarm they thought they saw a spirit, But Jesus said to them: "Why are you so startled? and why do doubts arise in you minds? read more.
Look at my hands and my feet, and you will know that it is I. Feel me, and look at me, for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see that I have." [After saying this he showed them his hands and his feet.]

Trouble » Instances of » Food

Trouble » Who shall come out of trouble

Trouble » Those that are troubled

2 Thessalonians 1:7

And to give relief to you who are suffering, as well as to us, at the Appearing of the Lord Jesus from Heaven with his mighty angels, 'in flaming fire.'

Trouble » Instances of » The disciples, as to how the multitude could be fed

Matthew 14:15

In the evening the disciples came up to him, and said: " This is a lonely spot, and the day is now far advanced; send the crowds away, that they may go to the villages, and buy themselves food."

Mark 6:37

But Jesus answered: "It is for you to give them something to eat." "Are we to go and buy twenty pounds' worth of bread," they asked, "to give them to eat?"

Trouble » Instances of » The people in the shipwreck

Acts 27:22-25

Yet, even as things are, I urge you not to lose courage, for there will not be a single life lost among you--only the ship. For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom I serve, stood by me, and said-- 'Have no fear, Paul; you must appear before the Emperor, and God himself has given you the lives of all your fellow-voyagers.' read more.
Therefore, courage, my friends! for I believe God, that everything will happen exactly as I have been told.

Acts 27:30-36

The sailors wanted to leave the ship, and had lowered the boat, on pretense of running out anchors from the bows, When Paul said to the Roman Officer and his men: "Unless the sailors remain on board, you cannot be saved." Upon that the soldiers cut the ropes which held the boat, and let her drift away. read more.
In the interval before daybreak Paul kept urging them all to take something to eat. "It is a fortnight to-day," he said, "that, owing to your anxiety, you have gone without food, taking nothing. So I urge you to take something to eat; your safety depends upon it, for not one of you will lose even a hair of his head." With these words he took some bread, and, after saying the thanksgiving to God before them all, broke it in pieces, and began to eat; And the men all felt cheered and had something to eat themselves.

Trouble » Who is born into trouble

Trouble » Business family » David and his household

Trouble » Who keeps their soul from troubles

Trouble » Who troubles their own house

Trouble » Business family » Moses, aaron and miriam

Trouble » Business family » David and his wife

Trouble » Business family » Jacob and esau

Trouble » The lord bringing you out of trouble

Trouble » Where trouble is

Trouble » Business family » Joseph and his brethren

Trouble » Business family » Family

Trouble » Instances of » Mary at the gravesite of jesus

John 20:11-17

Meanwhile Mary was standing close outside the tomb, weeping. Still weeping, she leant forward into the tomb, And perceived two angels clothed in white sitting there, where the body of Jesus had been lying, one where the head and the other where the feet had been. "Why are you weeping?" asked the angels. "They have taken my Master away," she answered, "and I do not know where they have laid him." read more.
After saying this, she turned round, and looked at Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. "Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" he asked. Supposing him to be the gardener, Mary answered: "If it was you, Sir, who carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away myself." "Mary!" said Jesus. She turned round, and exclaimed in Hebrew: "Rabboni!" (or, as we should say, 'Teacher'). "Do not hold me," Jesus said; "for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my Brothers, and tell them that I am ascending to him who is my Father and their Father, my God and their God."

Trouble » Business family » Ahasuerus and vashti

Trouble » Instances of » Elijah, under the juniper tree and in the cave

Trouble » Instances of » Israelites at the red sea

Trouble » Instances of » When moses waited upon the mountain

Topics on Trouble

Miraculous Help In Trouble

Matthew 8:23-27

Then he got into the boat, followed by his disciples.

Trouble, Causes Of

Luke 1:12

Zechariah was startled at the sight and was awe-struck.

Trouble, God's Help In

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

We want you, Brothers, to know that, in the troubles which befell us in Roman Asia, we were burdened altogether beyond our strength, so much so that we even despaired of life.

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