10 Bible Verses about Weather Causing Sufferings
Most Relevant Verses
Like one who takes off clothing in cold weather and like acid on a wound, is he who makes melody to a sad heart.
In hard work and weariness, in frequent watchings, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.
For nation will be moved against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and men will be without food, and the earth will be shaking in different places; But all these things are the first of the troubles.
This was my condition, wasted by heat in the day and by the bitter cold at night; and sleep went from my eyes.
And the simple people living there were uncommonly kind to us, for they made a fire for us, and took us in, because it was raining and cold.
Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin came together to Jerusalem before three days were past; it was the ninth month, on the twentieth day of the month; and all the people were seated in the wide square in front of the house of God, shaking with fear because of this business and because of the great rain.
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The fire of God came down from heaven, burning up the sheep and the goats and the young men completely, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news. And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The Chaldaeans made themselves into three bands, and came down on the camels and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news. And this one was still talking when another came, and said, Your sons and your daughters were feasting together in their oldest brother's house,
Saying, These last have done only one hour's work, and you have made them equal to us, who have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.
Now the servants and the police had made a fire of coals because it was cold; they were warming themselves in front of it and Peter was there with them, warming himself.
And when the ship got into the grip of it, and was not able to make headway into the wind, we gave way, and went before it.