42 Bible Verses about hunger
Most Relevant Verses
He gives its desire to the unresting soul, so that it is full of good things.
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun:
The young lions are in need and have no food; but those who are looking to the Lord will have every good thing.
Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.
And this was the answer of Jesus: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be in need of food, and he who has faith in me will never be in need of drink.
If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.
Even to this hour we are without food, drink, and clothing, we are given blows and have no certain resting-place;
Who gives their rights to those who are crushed down; and gives food to those who are in need of it: the Lord makes the prisoners free;
The Lord will not let the upright be in need of food, but he puts far from him the desire of the evil-doers.
And on the day after, when they had come out from Bethany, he was in need of food.
And he made low your pride and let you be without food and gave you manna for your food, a thing new to you, which your fathers never saw; so that he might make it clear to you that bread is not man's only need, but his life is in every word which comes out of the mouth of the Lord.
The desire of the working man is working for him, for his need of food is driving him on.
See, the days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send times of great need on the land, not need of food or desire for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord.
It is the same to me if I am looked down on or honoured; everywhere and in all things I have the secret of how to be full and how to go without food; how to have wealth and how to be in need.
For this cause says the Lord God, My servants will have food, but you will be in need of food: my servants will have drink, but you will be dry: my servants will have joy, but you will be shamed:
In hard work and weariness, in frequent watchings, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.
Those who had no food he made full of good things; the men of wealth he sent away with nothing in their hands;
For I was in need of food, and you gave it to me: I was in need of drink, and you gave it to me: I was wandering, and you took me in;
You will have food, but not enough; your shame will be ever with you: you will get your goods moved, but you will not take them away safely; and what you do take away I will give to the sword.
Men do not have a low opinion of a thief who takes food when he is in need of it:
In blows, in prisons, in attacks, in hard work, in watchings, in going without food;
They will not be in need of food or drink, or be troubled by the heat or the sun: for he who has mercy on them will be their guide, taking them by the springs of water.
For I was in need of food, and you gave it not to me; I was in need of drink, and you gave it not to me:
Happy are you who are in need of food now: for you will be made full. Happy are you who are weeping now; for you will be glad.
Who will come between us and the love of Christ? Will trouble, or pain, or cruel acts, or the need of food or of clothing, or danger, or the sword?
The full man has no use for honey, but to the man in need of food every bitter thing is sweet.
Then will they make answer, saying, Lord, when did we see you in need of food or drink, or wandering, or without clothing, or ill, or in prison, and did not take care of you?
And the children of Israel said to them, It would have been better for the Lord to have put us to death in the land of Egypt, where we were seated by the flesh-pots and had bread enough for our needs; for you have taken us out to this waste of sand, to put all this people to death through need of food.
And if you give your bread to those in need of it, so that the troubled one may have his desire; then you will have light in the dark, and your night will be as the full light of the sun:
For this cause you will become servants to those whom the Lord your God will send against you, without food and drink and clothing, and in need of all things: and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck till he has put an end to you.
And he was in need of food: but while they were getting it ready, a deep sleep came on him;
If your hater is in need of food, give him bread; and if he is in need of drink, give him water:
Hate of work sends deep sleep on a man: and he who has no industry will go without food.
Unhappy are you who are full of food now: for you will be in need. Unhappy are you who are laughing now: for you will be crying in sorrow.
Those who have been put to the sword are better off than those whose death is caused by need of food; for these come to death slowly, burned up like the fruit of the field.
They will be wasted from need of food, and overcome by burning heat and bitter destruction; and the teeth of beasts I will send on them, with the poison of the worms of the dust.
The upright man has food to the full measure of his desire, but there will be no food for the stomach of evil-doers.
From Thematic Bible
Christ » He had the common experiences of humanity » Hunger
For forty days, being tested by the Evil One. And he had no food in those days; and when they came to an end, he was in need of food.
Humility of Christ » He had the common experiences of humanity » Hunger
For forty days, being tested by the Evil One. And he had no food in those days; and when they came to an end, he was in need of food.
Hunger » Select readings ps 42; 84 » General references to
One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart's desire; that I may have a place in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, looking on his glory, and getting wisdom in his Temple.
Whom have I in heaven but you? and having you I have no desire for anything on earth.
In the night the desire of my soul has been for you; early will my spirit be searching for you; for when your punishments come on the earth, the people of the world will get the knowledge of righteousness.
Be full of desire for the true milk of the word, as babies at their mothers' breasts, so that you may go on to salvation;
Hunger » Who shall not hunger
Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.
And this was the answer of Jesus: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be in need of food, and he who has faith in me will never be in need of drink.
Happy are you who are in need of food now: for you will be made full. Happy are you who are weeping now; for you will be glad.
After these things I saw a great army of people more than might be numbered, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and languages, taking their places before the high seat and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, and with branches in their hands, Saying with a loud voice, Salvation to our God who is seated on the high seat, and to the Lamb. And all the angels were round about the high seat, and about the rulers and the four beasts; and they went down on their faces before the high seat, and gave worship to God, saying, read more.
So be it. Let blessing and glory and wisdom and praise and honour and power and strength be given to our God for ever and ever. So be it. And one of the rulers made answer, saying to me, These who have on white robes, who are they, and where did they come from? And I said to him, My lord, you have knowledge. And he said to me, These are they who came through the great testing, and their robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. This is why they are before the high seat of God; and they are his servants day and night in his house: and he who is seated on the high seat will be a tent over them. They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun: For the Lamb who is on the high seat will be their keeper and their guide to fountains of living water: and God will make glad their eyes for ever.
The young lions are in need and have no food; but those who are looking to the Lord will have every good thing.
Hunger » Physical
At that time Jesus went through the fields on the Sabbath day; and his disciples, being in need of food, were taking the heads of grain.
And after going without food for forty days and forty nights, he was in need of it.
In hard work and weariness, in frequent watchings, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.
And on the day after, when they had come out from Bethany, he was in need of food.
And he was in need of food: but while they were getting it ready, a deep sleep came on him;
Hunger » Who shall hunger
Hate of work sends deep sleep on a man: and he who has no industry will go without food.
They made offerings to evil spirits which were not God, to gods who were strange to them, which had newly come up, not feared by your fathers. You have no thought for the Rock, your father, you have no memory of the God who gave you birth. And the Lord saw with disgust the evil-doing of his sons and daughters. read more.
And he said, My face will be veiled from them, I will see what their end will be: for they are an uncontrolled generation, children in whom is no faith. They have given my honour to that which is not God, moving me to wrath with their false worship: I will give their honour to those who are not a people, moving them to wrath by a foolish nation, For my wrath is a flaming fire, burning to the deep parts of the underworld, burning up the earth with her increase, and firing the deep roots of the mountains. I will send a rain of troubles on them, my arrows will be showered on them. They will be wasted from need of food, and overcome by burning heat and bitter destruction; and the teeth of beasts I will send on them, with the poison of the worms of the dust.
But as for you who have given up the Lord, who have no care for my holy mountain, who get ready a table for Chance, and make offerings of mixed wine to Fate; Your fate will be the sword, and you will all go down to death: because when my voice came to you, you made no answer; you did not give ear to my word; but you did what was evil in my eyes, desiring what was not pleasing to me. For this cause says the Lord God, My servants will have food, but you will be in need of food: my servants will have drink, but you will be dry: my servants will have joy, but you will be shamed:
But unhappy are you who have wealth: for you have been comforted now. Unhappy are you who are full of food now: for you will be in need. Unhappy are you who are laughing now: for you will be crying in sorrow.
Hunger » Spiritual
Be full of desire for the true milk of the word, as babies at their mothers' breasts, so that you may go on to salvation;
Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.
Happy are you who are in need of food now: for you will be made full. Happy are you who are weeping now; for you will be glad.
Truly, if you are crying out for good sense, and your request is for knowledge; If you are looking for her as for silver, and searching for her as for stored-up wealth; Then the fear of the Lord will be clear to you, and knowledge of God will be yours.
Ho! everyone in need, come to the waters, and he who has no strength, let him get food: come, get bread without money; wine and milk without price. Why do you give your money for what is not bread, and the fruit of your work for what will not give you pleasure? Give ear to me, so that your food may be good, and you may have the best in full measure.
Hunger » Of jesus
Now in the morning when he was coming back to the town, he had a desire for food.
And on the day after, when they had come out from Bethany, he was in need of food.
And after going without food for forty days and forty nights, he was in need of it. And the Evil One came and said to him, If you are the Son of God, give the word for these stones to become bread. But he made answer and said, It is in the Writings, Bread is not man's only need, but every word which comes out of the mouth of God.
For forty days, being tested by the Evil One. And he had no food in those days; and when they came to an end, he was in need of food. And the Evil One said to him, If you are the Son of God, give orders to this stone to become bread. And Jesus made answer to him, It has been said in the Writings, Bread is not man's only need.
Hunger » Hungry souls
The full man has no use for honey, but to the man in need of food every bitter thing is sweet.
Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men! He gives its desire to the unresting soul, so that it is full of good things.
Hunger » Those that hunger after righteousness
Happy are those whose heart's desire is for righteousness: for they will have their desire.
Happy are you who are in need of food now: for you will be made full. Happy are you who are weeping now; for you will be glad.
Hunger » No hunger in heaven
They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun: For the Lamb who is on the high seat will be their keeper and their guide to fountains of living water: and God will make glad their eyes for ever.
Hunger » A stimulus to work
The desire of the working man is working for him, for his need of food is driving him on.
Idleness and sloth » Lead to » Hunger
Hate of work sends deep sleep on a man: and he who has no industry will go without food.
So loss will come on you like an outlaw, and your need like an armed man.
Topics on Hunger
Hunger, Examples Of
1 Samuel 21:3-6So now, if you have here five cakes of bread, give them into my hand, or whatever you have.
Physical Hunger
1 Corinthians 11:34If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.
Spiritual Hunger
1 Peter 2:2Be full of desire for the true milk of the word, as babies at their mothers' breasts, so that you may go on to salvation;