33 Bible Verses about working
Most Relevant Verses
We must do the works of Him who sent me while there is daylight. Night is coming on, when no one can work.
diversities in work, and yet one and the same God--He who in each person brings about the whole result.
Whatever you are doing, let your hearts be in your work, as a thing done for the Lord and not for men.
but I discover within me a different Law at war with the Law of my understanding, and leading me captive to the Law which is everywhere at work in my body--the Law of sin.
To this end, like an earnest wrestler, I exert all my strength in reliance upon the power of Him who is mightily at work within me.
Now we know that for those who love God all things are working together for good--for those, I mean, whom with deliberate purpose He has called.
For it is God Himself whose power creates within you the desire to do His gracious will and also brings about the accomplishment of the desire.
the true character of each individual's work will become manifest. For the day of Christ will disclose it, because that day is soon to come upon us clothed in fire, and as for the quality of every one's work-- the fire is the thing which will test it.
For of this I am confident, that He who has begun a good work within you will go on to perfect it in preparation for the day of Jesus Christ.
For even when we were with you, we laid down this rule for you: "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat."
Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes shall find so doing!
His reply to their accusation was, "My Father works unceasingly, and so do I."
fully equip you with every grace that you may need for the doing of His will, producing in us that which will truly please Him through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory to the Ages of the Ages! Amen.
"What are we to do," they asked, "in order to carry out the things that God requires?"
Do you not know that those who perform the sacred rites have their food from the sacred place, and that those who serve at the altar all alike share with the altar?
He came to the second and spoke in the same manner. His answer was, "'I will go, Sir.' "But he did not go.
For you remember, brethren, our labour and toil: how, working night and day so as not to become a burden to any one of you, we came and proclaimed among you God's Good News.
"'These who came last have done only one hour's work, and you have put them on a level with us who have worked the whole day and have borne the scorching heat.'
Apollos and I are simply fellow workers for and with God, and you are *God's* field-- *God's* building.
I thank my God, I say, for your cooperation in spreading the Good News, from the time it first came to you even until now.
I know your doings, your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance; and that of late you have toiled harder than you did at first.
So also faith, if it is unaccompanied by obedience, has no life in it--so long as it stands alone.
Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.
But in the case of a man who works, pay is not reckoned a favour but a debt;
From Thematic Bible
hands » Operations of, mentioned » Working
and to vie with one another in eagerness for peace, every one minding his own business and working with his hands, as we ordered you to do:
Light, spiritual » Believers' duty performed in » Working
We must do the works of Him who sent me while there is daylight. Night is coming on, when no one can work.
Spiritual » Believers' duties performed in the light » Working
We must do the works of Him who sent me while there is daylight. Night is coming on, when no one can work.
Topics on Working
God Always Working
1 Corinthians 1:8who will also keep you stedfast to the very End, so that you will be free from reproach on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Men Working
2 Thessalonians 3:10For even when we were with you, we laid down this rule for you: "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat."
Servants, Working Conditions Of
Ephesians 6:9And you masters, act towards your slaves on the same principles, and refrain from threats. For you know that in Heaven there is One who is your Master as well as theirs, and that merely earthly distinctions there are none with Him.
Women Working
Titus 2:5industrious in their homes, kind, submissive to their husbands, so that the Christian teaching may not be exposed to reproach.
Working For God
Colossians 3:23Whatever you are doing, let your hearts be in your work, as a thing done for the Lord and not for men.
Working For The Lord
Colossians 3:23Whatever you are doing, let your hearts be in your work, as a thing done for the Lord and not for men.
Working Hard And Not Being Lazy
Romans 12:11Do not be indolent when zeal is required. Be thoroughly warm-hearted, the Lord's own servants,
Working Together
Romans 8:28Now we know that for those who love God all things are working together for good--for those, I mean, whom with deliberate purpose He has called.