23 Bible Verses about worries

Most Relevant Verses

Mark 4:19

but worry [over things] of the world, and the deceitfulness of material wealth, and the evil desires for other things entered their hearts and choked [the effectiveness of] 'the word,' so that it did not yield a crop [in their lives].

Luke 12:11

And when people bring you in front of synagogue assemblies and rulers and authorities [i.e., for judgment], do not worry about how to speak or what you should say.

Luke 21:34

"But pay attention to yourselves so that your hearts do not become overburdened by carousing, and drunkenness, and the worries of life. [If you do], that 'day' [i.e., Jesus' second coming and judgment] will arrive suddenly, like a trap [i.e., which catches an animal by surprise].

Luke 21:14

Determine in your hearts, therefore, not to plan ahead how you will answer them [when interrogated],

Luke 10:41

But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about [so] many things.

1 Corinthians 7:32

But I want you to be free from worry. The man who is not married is concerned about the affairs of the Lord [and] how to please the Lord.

Matthew 6:32

For these are the things that the [unconverted] Gentiles keep trying to get. But your heavenly Father [already] knows you need these things.

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