47 Bible Verses about weight
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But have a true weight and a true measure: so that your life may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Unequal weights and unequal measures, they are all disgusting to the Lord.
True measures and scales are the Lord's: all the weights of the bag are his work.
And he said to me, Son of man, see, I will take away from Jerusalem her necessary bread: they will take their bread by weight and with care, measuring out their drinking-water with fear and wonder:
All a man's ways are clean to himself; but the Lord puts men's spirits into his scales.
Scales of deceit are hated by the Lord, but a true weight is his delight.
And you are to take your food by weight, twenty shekels a day: you are to take it at regular times.
But give attention to yourselves, for fear that your hearts become over-full of the pleasures of food and wine, and the cares of this life, and that day may come on you suddenly, and take you as in a net:
His offering was one silver plate, a hundred and thirty shekels in weight, one silver basin of seventy shekels, by the scale of the holy place; the two of them full of the best meal mixed with oil for a meal offering;
And he said, A curse is on you, teachers of the law! for while other men are crushed under the weight of the rules you make for them, you yourselves do not put so much as one finger to them.
And great drops of ice, every one about the weight of a talent, came down out of heaven on men: and men said evil things against God because of the punishment of the ice-drops; for it is very great.
For our present trouble, which is only for a short time, is working out for us a much greater weight of glory;
And he said, This is Sin; and pushing her down into the ephah, he put the weight of lead on the mouth of it.
Have true scales, true weights and measures for all things: I am the Lord your God, who took you out of the land of Egypt;
And when he had his hair cut, (which he did at the end of every year, because of the weight of his hair;) the weight of the hair was two hundred shekels by the king's weight.
By him the waters are shut up in his thick clouds, and the cloud does not give way under them.
Say no more words of pride; let not uncontrolled sayings come out of your mouths: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, by him acts are judged.
Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents;
The valued sons of Zion, whose price was the best gold, are looked on as vessels of earth, the work of the hands of the potter!
Do not make false decisions in questions of yard-sticks and weights and measures.
In the hollow of whose hand have the waters been measured? and who is able to take the heavens in his stretched-out fingers? who has got together the dust of the earth in a measure? who has taken the weight of the mountains, or put the hills into the scales?
And let the prophets give their words, but not more than two or three, and let the others be judges of what they say.
And I put it in writing, stamping it with my stamp, and I took witnesses and put the money into the scales.
The way of the good man is straight; the road of the upright is made smooth by you.
And he took the crown of Milcom from his head; the weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it were stones of great price; and it was put on David's head. And he took a great store of goods from the town.
They make hard laws and put great weights on men's backs; but they themselves will not put a finger to them
A stone has great weight, and sand is crushing; but the wrath of the foolish is of greater weight than these.
And fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails. He had all the higher rooms plated with gold.
When I take away your bread of life, ten women will be cooking bread in one oven, and your bread will be measured out by weight; you will have food but never enough.
So David gave Ornan six hundred shekels of gold by weight for the place.
And Nicodemus came (he who had first come to Jesus by night) with a roll of myrrh and aloes mixed, about a hundred pounds.
Topics on Weight
Just Weights
Proverbs 11:1Scales of deceit are hated by the Lord, but a true weight is his delight.
Weights And Measures, Distances
Genesis 21:15-16And when all the water in the skin was used up, she put the child down under a tree.
Weights And Measures, Dry
2 Kings 6:25And they became very short of food in Samaria; for they kept it shut in till the price of an ass's head was eighty shekels of silver, and a small measure of doves' droppings was five shekels of silver.
Weights And Measures, Laws
Leviticus 19:35-36Do not make false decisions in questions of yard-sticks and weights and measures.
Weights And Measures, Linear
Jeremiah 52:21And as for the pillars, one pillar was eighteen cubits high, and twelve cubits measured all round, and it was as thick as a man's hand: it was hollow.
Weights And Measures, Liquid
Leviticus 14:10And on the eighth day let him take two male lambs, without any marks on them, and one female lamb of the first year, without a mark, and three tenth parts of an ephah of the best meal, mixed with oil, and one log of oil.
Weights Of Gold
Genesis 24:22And when the camels had had enough, the man took a gold nose-ring, half a shekel in weight, and two ornaments for her arms of ten shekels weight of gold;
Weights Of Other Things
Exodus 30:24And of cassia, five hundred shekels' weight measured by the scale of the holy place, and of olive oil a hin:
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