'Accompany' in the Bible
Jacob would not send Joseph's brother Benjamin to accompany them, because he was saying, "I'm afraid that he'll come to some kind of harm."
After all, how can I go back to my father if the young man doesn't accompany me? I'm afraid of what might happen to my father."
then I'll oppose that man and his family and eliminate him from contact with his people, along with all the prostitutes who accompany him and who have committed prostitution with Molech."
One man from each tribe is to accompany you, each man being the leader of his ancestral house.
So the elders of Gilead told Jephthah, "Well, we're coming back to you now so you can accompany us, fight the Ammonites, and become the head of all the inhabitants of Gilead."
A little while later, the army of Ephraim was mustered, and they crossed to Zaphon. They confronted Jephthah and asked, "Why did you cross over to fight the Ammonites without calling us to accompany you? We're going to burn your house down around you!"
When they saw him, they brought 30 companions to accompany him.
So Absalom responded, "If you aren't coming, please allow my brother Amnon to accompany us." The king asked, "Why should he go with you?"
But Absalom kept begging David until he sent Amnon and all of David's sons to accompany Absalom.
Sometime later, Absalom acquired a chariot equipped with horses and recruited 50 men to accompany him.
It seems only yesterday that you arrived, so should I make you wander around with us while I go wherever I can? Go back, and take your brothers with you. May gracious love and truth accompany you!"
Please let your servant return so I can die in my own home town near the grave of my father and mother. Meanwhile, here is your servant Chimham! Let him accompany your majesty the king. Please do for him whatever seems best to you."
So the king answered, "Chimham will accompany me, and I'll do for him whatever seems best to you! I'll do anything for you that you want!"
Zechariah, Aziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah, and Benaiah played harps to accompany the women singers,
Also send me cedar, cypress, and algum timber from Lebanon, since I'm aware that your servants know how to cut down timber from Lebanon. My servants will accompany your servants
A man came from God and warned him, "Your majesty, don't let the army of Israel accompany you into battle, because the LORD isn't with any of the descendants of Ephraim.
The king granted this for me, according to the good hand of my God. So I went to the Trans-Euphrates governors and gave them the king's letters of authorization. The king also sent army officers and cavalry to accompany me.
Aren't you the one, God, who has cast us off? Didn't you refuse, God, to accompany our armies?
Wealth and honor accompany me, as do enduring wealth and righteousness.
The blessing of the LORD establishes wealth, and difficulty does not accompany it.
Gomer with all its troops, and the household of Togarmah from the remotest parts of the north with all its troops many people will accompany you.
He appointed the Twelve, whom he called apostles, to accompany him, to be sent out to preach,
They used to accompany him and care for him while he was in Galilee. Many other women who had come up to Jerusalem with him were there, too.
These are the signs that will accompany those who believe: In my name they'll drive out demons, they'll speak in new languages,