94 occurrences in 8 translations

'Approval' in the Bible

If you do this, and God gives approval, then you will be able to go on without weariness, and all this people will go to their tents in peace.

Standing Firm

May the Lord's approval be resting on you and may he give you peace.

Heavenly FacesPay Attention O God!Peace And Strength

And they said, With your approval, let this land be given to your servants as their heritage: do not take us over Jordan.

He said about Naphtali:Naphtali, enjoying approval,full of the Lord’s blessing,take possession to the west and the south.

Generosity, God'sGrace, In OtPlenty Through GodBlessed By Godlakes

The priest said to them, “Go in peace; your way in which you are going has the Lord’s approval.”

Going In PeacePeace

And it was in my mind to give you the chance of taking it, with the approval of those seated here and of the responsible men of my people. If you are ready to do what it is right for a relation to do, then do it: but if you will not do it, say so to me now; for there is no one who has the right to do it but you, and after you myself. And he said, I will do it.

NegotiationKnowing Facts

Have I attacked this place to destroy it without the Lord’s approval? The Lord said to me, ‘Attack this land and destroy it.’”

Destruction Of CountriesGod's Orders

They swore their allegiance to the Lord, shouting their approval loudly and sounding trumpets and horns.

HornsMusical Instruments, types ofShoutingShouting For Joy

Accordingly, with your approval we suggest that a search be conducted within the king's treasury at Babylon to verify whether or not King Cyrus ever issued such a decree to reconstruct this Temple of God in Jerusalem. Then please notify us concerning the king's pleasure in this matter.

ArchivesStoringSeeking For Concrete ThingsThe King's Orders

And I said to the king, If it is the king's pleasure, and if your servant has your approval, send me to Judah, to the town where the bodies of my fathers are at rest, so that I may take in hand the building of it.

Love, And The WorldTravelRebuilding JerusalemThe Will Of MenFavorExamples Of Patriotismrebuilding

“If it meets the king’s approval, he should personally issue a royal decree. Let it be recorded in the laws of Persia and Media, so that it cannot be revoked: Vashti is not to enter King Ahasuerus’s presence, and her royal position is to be given to another woman who is more worthy than she.

Human LawDeposing

Esther was the daughter of Abihail, the uncle of Mordecai who had adopted her as his own daughter. When her turn came to go to the king, she did not ask for anything except what Hegai, the king’s trusted official in charge of the harem, suggested. Esther won approval in the sight of everyone who saw her.

Human FavourMan's CounselWomen's Rolesmakeup

The king loved Esther more than all the other women. She won more favor and approval from him than did any of the other young women. He placed the royal crown on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti.

Crowns, Worn ByAttractionCoronationsExchanging Of LeadersMan's FavouriteWomen's BeautyFavorCompetitioncrownsroyalty

As soon as the king saw Queen Esther standing in the courtyard, she won his approval. The king extended the gold scepter in his hand toward Esther, and she approached and touched the tip of the scepter.

Touching Holy Things

If I have the king's approval, and if it is the king's pleasure to give me my prayer and do my request, let the king and Haman come to the feast which I will make ready for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said.

Banquets, CharaceristicsMan's Action TomorrowFavor

Queen Esther answered, “If I have obtained your approval, my king, and if the king is pleased, spare my life—this is my request; and spare my people—this is my desire.

Seeking LifeJews Under Threat

She said, “If it pleases the king, and I have found approval before him, if the matter seems right to the king and I am pleasing in his sight, let a royal edict be written. Let it revoke the documents the scheming Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, wrote to destroy the Jews who are in all the king’s provinces.

Killing Israelites

For you gave approval to my right and my cause; you were seated in your high place judging in righteousness.

God, Righteousness OfGod VindicatesFavorfairnessadvertising

And the daughters of Tyre will be there with an offering; those who have wealth among the people will be looking for your approval.

Marriage, The Bridegroom

The earth has yielded its harvest [as evidence of His approval];God, our God, blesses us.

HarvestSeedLand ProducingGod Blesses

Restore us, O God;Cause Your face to shine on us [with favor and approval], and we will be saved.

Light, SpiritualRestoring NationsRevival, CorporateDivine FavourShining FacesGod Giving Light

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts;Cause Your face to shine on us [in favor and approval], and we shall be saved.

God, Joy OfFace Of GodRestoring NationsGod Giving LightSmiling

Wise behaviour gets approval, but the way of the false is their destruction.

Fruits Of SinMiseryPathways Of SinEvil WaysFavorSuccess And Hard Work

In the light of the king's face there is life; and his approval is like a cloud of spring rain.

RainSpringWeather, As God's JudgmentFavorSmilingcloudsspringtime

Great numbers will make attempts to get the approval of a ruler: and every man is the special friend of him who has something to give.

Friends FailingNetworkingAccessFriendsFriendship And LoveFriendship And TrustFavorFriendship KjvLosing Friendsfriendliness

The king's wrath is like the loud cry of a lion, but his approval is like dew on the grass.

Civil authoritiesdewGrassRageFavorSmilingwrath

He who says words of protest to a man will later have more approval than one who says smooth words with his tongue.

Criticism, amongst believersFlatteryProverbsComplimentsReproving Peoplecriticismrebuking

The approval of a ruler is desired by great numbers: but the decision in a man's cause comes from the Lord.

False ConfidenceCelebritiesPleasing MenSeeking The Favour Of GodMaking DecisionsFavor

Have I attacked this land to destroy it without the Lord’s approval? The Lord said to me, ‘Attack this land and destroy it.’”

Destruction Of Countries

Indeed, we are going to continue offering sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out liquid offerings to her. And do you think we have made cakes to represent her or poured out liquid offerings for her without our husbands' approval?"

CakesLike CreaturesFood For Other gods

They have installed kings,but not through Me.They have appointed leaders,but without My approval.They make their silver and goldinto idols for themselvesfor their own destruction.


And when you give what is blind for an offering, it is no evil! and when you give what is damaged and ill, it is no evil! Give it now to your ruler; will he be pleased with you, or will you have his approval? says the Lord of armies.

CripplesAnimals, religious role ofBurnt offeringGovernorsImperfection, And God's PurposesSick AnimalsPleasing MenSacrificesSacrificeTithes And Offeringdistractionsclosuretrying

And now, make request for the grace of God so that he may have mercy on us: this has been your doing: will he give his approval to any of you? says the Lord of armies.

Welcomed By GodPray For UsSeeking The Favour Of God

And the angel said to her, Have no fear, Mary, for you have God's approval.

Pleasing GodDivine FavourJesus BirthFavorBeing Scaredluckgabriel

Unhappy are you when all men give you their approval: for so their fathers did to the false prophets.

PopularityImitating Wicked PeopleSins Of The FathersProphets SufferingWoe To The ProsperousFake Friends

So you are witnesses and approve the deeds of your fathers, because they [actually] killed them, and you repair or build their tombs.

Participation, In SinProphets Killed

Another one said, ‘I have purchased five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out; please consider me excused.’

Buying and sellingYokesOwning LivestockFive AnimalsTesting Other Thingstrying

I say to you, This man went back to his house with God's approval, and not the other: for everyone who makes himself high will be made low and whoever makes himself low will be made high.

HumilityPromotionIndividuals going homeHumbling Oneself

(He had not given his approval to their decision or their acts), of Arimathaea, a town of the Jews, who was waiting for the kingdom of God:

Kingdom Of God, Coming OfWaiting

Whoever receives His testimony has set his seal [of approval] to this: God is true [and he knows that God cannot lie].

FountainsGod Is Truthful

I have come in My Father’s name and with His power, and you do not receive Me [because your minds are closed]; but if another comes in his own name and with no authority or power except his own, you will receive him and give your approval to an imposter.

Rejection Of ChristWelcoming Other PeopleNot Welcoming ChristFather And Son AlikeRelationship Of Father And SonIn God's NameDadsAcceptanceRejectionFathers Love

Men of Israel, give ear to these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man who had the approval of God, as was made clear to you by the great works and signs and wonders which God did by him among you, as you yourselves have knowledge,

CommunicationLawlessnessPeter, Preacher And TeacherPreaching, Content OfApprovalGod Bearing Witness To ChristSigns Performed By ChristDoing God's WorksSigns And Wonders Of The GospelMiracles

The statement found approval with the whole congregation; and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch.

Examples Of FaithFaith, Growth InJudaismSpiritualityIndwelling Of The Holy SpiritAntioch in SyriaProselytesBeing Filled With The SpiritBelieving In GodOthers Believing In God

And made him free from all his troubles, and gave him wisdom and the approval of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who made him ruler over Egypt and all his house.

Giving, Of TalentsDiscernment Of GovernorsRescueRulersWisdom, Human ImportanceGod Gives WisdomAfflictions

And Saul gave approval to his death. Now at that time a violent attack was started against the church in Jerusalem; and all but the Apostles went away into all parts of Judaea and Samaria.

FugitivesChristiansdispersion, theJerusalem, Significance OfSamaritansChurch, Description OfChurch, Examples OfThe Church ScatteredAssentingApproval To KillThe Apostles In Action

Thereupon it was decided by the Apostles and Elders, with the approval of the whole Church, to choose suitable persons from among themselves and send them to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas. Judas, called Bar-sabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren, were selected,

VisitingChoosing PeoplePeople Sending PeopleThe Apostles In Action

And when Stephen your witness was put to death, I was there, giving approval, and looking after the clothing of those who put him to death.

GuardsMartyrdom, Examples OfParticipation, In SinConnivanceSheddingHuman Blood ShedKilling DisciplesAssentingApproval To KillMartyrdomWitnessing

But after two years Porcius Festus took the place of Felix, who, desiring to have the approval of the Jews, kept Paul in chains.

Men PleasersBad Decision Making ExamplesPopularityPleasing MenPopularity Sought

But Festus, desiring to get the approval of the Jews, said to Paul, Will you go up to Jerusalem, and be judged before me there in connection with these things?

Men PleasersPopularityPleasing MenPopularity Sought

Because the work of the law is seen in their hearts, their sense of right and wrong giving witness to it, while their minds are at one time judging them and at another giving them approval;

GoadsThoughtWritingThoughts Of The WickedWriting On PeopleJustified By WorksKnowing Right And WrongTaking The Law To HeartThings As WitnessesHeart, HumanEthicsMoralityconscienceaccusations

For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval.

CommendationRulersSecurityTaxationMagistratesFear Is DueFearDoing The Right ThingBeing ScaredRespecting Authoritybehaviorterrorism

And he who in these things is Christ's servant, is pleasing to God and has the approval of men.

Acceptance, From GodGoalsCommendationService To GodApprovalHuman FavourServing ChristServing

But he who is uncertain [about eating a particular thing] is condemned if he eats, because he is not acting from faith. Whatever is not from faith is sin [whatever is done with doubt is sinful].

Consciences, In Decision MakingFaith, Necessity OfBeing Born In Sindoubt, results ofIndecisionSin, Nature OfSinChristian LibertyConvictionQuestioning GodHaving FaithEating MeatBelieving In Yourselfdiscriminationcondemnationconscience

Give my love to Apelles, who has the approval of Christ. Say a kind word to those who are of the house of Aristobulus.

People Commended By God

But God's approval of us is not based on the food we take: if we do not take it we are no worse for it; and if we take it we are no better.

drawing near to GodRitualGood Or BadPeople Commended By GodLove And RelationshipsEating Meatlentconnectionimprovement

But I give blows to my body, and keep it under control, for fear that, after having given the good news to others, I myself might not have God's approval.

LicentiousnessCastawaysBodyAsceticism, TypesLustMortificationSelf DisciplineConduct, ProperDietsMinisters, Should BeBeating OneselfMaking SlavesslaveryRacetrainingmyself

That is the way that I also seek in everything the approval of all men, not aiming at my own profit, but at that of the many, in the hope that they may be saved.

Giving, Of OneselfSelfishness, Shown InPleasing MenAdaptability

For divisions are necessary among you, in order that those who have God's approval may be clearly seen among you.

Divisions Of OpinionPeople Commended By GodDisunityConflictBeing DifferentBeing Uniquedivisionrecognitiongossipingorder

If you forgive anyone anything, I too forgive [that one]; and what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of [and with the approval of] Christ,

AdulterersAdultery and DivorceThe Presence Of ChristPeople Forgiving OthersFor The Sake Of God's PeopleForgivenessforgiving othersForgiving Others Who Hurt YouGod's ForgivenessForgiveness Kjvforgiving

Do we seem to be again attempting to put ourselves in the right? or have we need, as some have, of letters of approval to you or from you?

CommendationLettersCommending OneselfPraising Specific Peoplea new beginningEclipse

We are not again requesting your approval, but we are giving you the chance of taking pride in us, so that you may be able to give an answer to those whose glory is in seeming, and not in the heart.

CommendationOutward AppearanceHypocrites, Description OfAppearancesCommending OneselfOther References To The HeartAppearances of

For if there is a ready mind, a man will have God's approval in the measure of what he has, and not of what he has not.

CollectionsGiving, Advice OnGenerosity, Used TowardsSaints, Care For The PoorPeople WillingGiving Money To The ChurchAcceptance

For the business has been so ordered by us as to have the approval, not only of the Lord, but of men.

Eyes, Used Of GodMen PleasersSeeking HonourDoing The Right Thingprovidingcriticismacting

For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him.

CommendationSelf Righteousness, Nature OfWorthinessApprovalCommending OneselfPeople Commended By GodAcceptance

But without your approval I would do nothing; so that your good works might not be forced, but done freely from your heart.

ConsentNo CompulsionPeople WillingFree WillGoodnesspressure

[and besides this evidence] God also testifying with them [confirming the message of salvation], both by signs and wonders and by various miracles [carried out by Jesus and the apostles] and by [granting to believers the] gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.

GiftsAssurance, basis ofGrace, And Holy SpiritIndividualismMission, Of The ChurchSpiritual Gifts, Diversity OfThe Divinity Of The Holy SpiritThe Witness Of GodDividing Spiritual BlessingsGod Works His WillOther MiraclesSigns And Wonders Of The GospelMiraclesEvangelismSpiritual GiftsWitnessingtestifying

By faith Abel made a better offering to God than Cain, and he had witness through it of his righteousness, God giving his approval of his offering: and his voice still comes to us through it though he is dead.

AbelAbel and CainFaith, As Basis Of SalvationCommendationExamples Of FaithAtonement, Types OfRighteousness, As FaithWorship, Acceptable AttitudesThe Witness Of GodRighteous By ObedienceSacrificeExcellence

By faith Enoch was taken away without experiencing death. He could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he won approval as one who pleased God.

Faithfulness, Examples OfFaith, As Basis Of SalvationCommendationExamples Of FaithAscension Of SaintsPleasing GodGod Lifting PeopleNot DyingExploits Of FaithNowhere To Be FoundPeople Who Didn't Dietransition

Demetrius has the approval of all men and of what is true: and we give the same witness, and you are certain that our witness is true.

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

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