53 occurrences in 11 translations

'Comprehend' in the Bible

I wish that they were wise and could understand this, and that they could comprehend what will happen to them."

Verse ConceptsDeath, Preparation ForThoughtfulnessAcquiring Wisdomfate

The Lord's messenger said to him, "You should not ask me my name, because you cannot comprehend it."

Verse ConceptsUnintelligiblenessWhat Is God's Name?

hear in heaven, Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls upon (prays to) You, so that all peoples of the earth may know Your name and fear You [with reverence and awe], as do Your people Israel, and that they may know [without any doubt] that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

Verse ConceptsHousesReverence, And God's NatureGod Acts From HeavenA Place For God's NameKnowing God's Character

“Can you discover the depths of God?Can you [by searching] discover the limits of the Almighty [ascend to His heights, extend to His widths, and comprehend His infinite perfection]?

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfMysteryRevelation, Necessity OfSpiritual DepthsFinding GodGod's Ways Beyond Human UnderstandingLimits Of Human MindFinding LoveGods Planlimitations

Therefore humanity fears him, which none of the wise can quite comprehend."

Verse ConceptsWorldly WisdomFalse WisdomRespecting Your Body

Let whoever is wise observe these things, that they may comprehend the gracious love of the LORD. A song. A Davidic psalm.

Verse ConceptsLovingkindnessContemplationExperience, of lifeLove, Nature OfMeditationThoughtWisdom, Human Nature

God, how difficult Your thoughts arefor me to comprehend;how vast their sum is!

Verse ConceptsGod's ThoughtsPreciousPositive ThinkingThoughtsGod's Plan For Usphotography

To know [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction;To discern and comprehend the words of understanding and insight,

Verse ConceptsAcquiring WisdomDisciplineDiscernmentWisdom And GuidanceMoralityfitnesswise

I have examined all this by wisdom; I said, "I am determined to comprehend this" -- but it was beyond my grasp.

Verse ConceptsTesting Other Things

I tried to understand, examine, and comprehend the role of wisdom in the scheme of things, and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the insanity of folly.

Verse ConceptsInvestigatingStudying Insanity

And he said, "Go and say to this people, 'Keep on listening and do not comprehend! And keep on looking and do not understand!'

Verse ConceptsGospel, Responses ToSecrecyRejection Of God's CallReprobatesBeing Without Understanding

Make the heart of this people insensitive, and make its ears unresponsive, and shut its eyes so that it may not look with its eyes and listen with its ears and comprehend [with] its mind and turn back, and it may be healed [for] him."

Verse ConceptsConvincingHardened HeartsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedRepentance, Importance OfSpiritual DeafnessShutting SecurelyDefective VisionBeing Without UnderstandingFeelingNo HealingUnhearing

“As often as it passes through, it will seize you;For morning after morning it will pass through, by day and by night,And it will be sheer terror to understand what it means.”

Verse ConceptsEvery MorningFearing God's Wordterrorism

You will no longer see the barbarians,a people whose speech is difficult to comprehend—who stammer in a language that is not understood.

Verse ConceptsNot Understanding LanguageUnknown LanguagesSpeech Impediments

all so that people may see and recognize, perceive, consider, and comprehend at the same time, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and that the Holy One of Israel has created it."

Verse ConceptsUnderstandingisrael

You see many things, but don't comprehend; their ears are open, but do not hear."

Verse ConceptsIndifferenceRefusing To HearBeing Without UnderstandingListening To Godattention

Such people do not comprehendand cannot understand,for He has shut their eyes so they cannot see,and their minds so they cannot understand.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Blindness, In UnbelieversResponseVeilsGod BlindingBeing Without UnderstandingThose Who Were IgnorantEyesDiscernment

No one thinks to himself, nor do they comprehend or understand and say to themselves: 'I burned half of it in the fire -- yes, I baked bread over the coals; I roasted meat and ate it. With the rest of it should I make a disgusting idol? Should I bow down to dry wood?'

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, Idolatry IsIgnorance Towards God, Leads ToDullnessBowing To False GodsBaking BreadFirewoodHalf Of ThingsThose Who Were Ignorant

This isn't a large group of people whose speech is unintelligible to you or whose language is difficult for you to comprehend. Frankly, if I had sent you to that kind of people, they would certainly have listened to you!

Verse ConceptsUnintelligiblenessNot Understanding Language

As for me, this mystery was revealed to me not because I possess more wisdom than any other living person, but so that the king may understand the interpretation and comprehend the thoughts of your mind.

Verse ConceptsThoughts Of The RighteousGod Giving UnderstandingGod Revealing MysteriesNot MeWhy It Happened

Instead, you have exalted yourself against the Lord of heaven. You brought before you the vessels from his temple, and you and your nobles, together with your wives and concubines, drank wine from them. You praised the gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone -- gods that cannot see or hear or comprehend! But you have not glorified the God who has in his control your very breath and all your ways!

Verse ConceptsDeafnessFaultsConcubinesGovernmentGreed, Condemnation OfHand Of GodIronLife, HumanUnreliabilityDrinking WineGod Giving BreathIdols Not SeeingBeing Without UnderstandingNature Of GodOther WivesTemple Utensils RemovedWood And StoneBronze For Idols

He who has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.

Verse ConceptsHearingTeachablenessListening To God

He who has ears [to hear], let him hear and heed My words.”

Verse ConceptsHearing

"With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: "You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend,

Verse ConceptsReprobatesBeing Without UnderstandingScriptures FulfilledThe Faculty Of SightNamed Prophets Of The Lordfulfillment

For this nation’s heart has grown hard,And with their ears they hardly hear,And they have [tightly] closed their eyes,Otherwise they would see with their eyes,And hear with their ears,And understand with their heart, and turn [to Me]And I would heal them [spiritually].’

Verse ConceptsDeafnessConversion, examples ofHardened HeartsEyes, Figurative UseEarsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedIndifferenceWilful IgnoranceInsensibilityDullnessSpiritual DeafnessNature Of The HeartTurning To GodRefusing To HearEvil EyesNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingFeelingGod HealsUnhearing

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom [regarding salvation] and does not understand and grasp it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road.

Verse ConceptsSatan, Titles ForSatan, As DeceiverSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfNames And Titles For SatanSatan, Work OfSowing In VainUsing RoadsNot Understanding SayingsOther References To The HeartParables Of The KingdomTaking God's ThingsSeeds

After Jesus called the crowd to Him, He said, “Listen and understand this:

Verse ConceptsCrowdsListeningAdvice, Receiving God's AdviceChrist Summoning

And He said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.”

Verse ConceptsHearingRevelation, Responses To

so that they will continually look but not see, and they will continually hear but not understand, otherwise they might turn [from their rejection of the truth] and be forgiven.”

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfTurning To GodNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingGod Not Forgiving

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.”

With many such parables, Jesus spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear and understand it;

Verse ConceptsUnderstandingHearing ChristJesus Using Parables

[If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”]

But they did not understand this statement, and they were afraid to ask Him [what He meant].

Verse ConceptsFools, In Teaching Of Jesus ChristFear, Of UnknownNot Asking OthersNot Understanding Sayings

But they did not understand what He had said to them.

Verse ConceptsNot Understanding Sayings

However, they did not understand this statement. Its meaning was kept hidden from them so that they would not grasp it; and they were afraid to ask Him about it.

Verse ConceptsDullnessNot Asking OthersFear Of ChristNot Understanding SayingsGod's Things Concealed

It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.”

Verse Conceptsdung and manure

But the disciples understood none of these things, and the meaning of this statement was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said.

Verse ConceptsDullnessNot Understanding SayingsGod's Things Concealed

His disciples did not understand [the meaning of] these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified and exalted, they remembered that these things had been written about Him and had been done to Him.

Verse ConceptsRememberingUnderstandingRemembering ChristNot Understanding SayingsScriptures Fulfilled

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the [Holy] Spirit who is from God, so that we may know and understand the [wonderful] things freely given to us by God.

Verse ConceptsGrace, And Holy SpiritUnderstandingGod Giving UnderstandingGod Giving His SpiritTaught By The SpiritKnowing About God's KingdomSpiritual Giftssonship

and that by [divine] revelation the mystery was made known to me, as I have already written in brief.

Verse ConceptsGod Revealing MysteriesConcisenessWriting Letters

But these men do not understand the things they slander, and they are being destroyed by the very things that, like irrational animals, they instinctively comprehend.

Verse ConceptsInstinctDestruction Of The WickedMammalsMental Abuse

Bible Theasaurus

Apprehend (9 instances)
Compass (49 instances)
Comprehend (53 instances)
Conceive (28 instances)
Embrace (21 instances)
Encompass (10 instances)
Grasp (60 instances)
Include (21 instances)
Perceive (97 instances)
Understand (440 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 38

Usage: 2

Usage: 14

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible