15 occurrences

'Descendant' in the Bible

And Abram said, "Look, you have not given me a descendant, and here, {a member of my household} [is] {my heir}."

Verse ConceptsAdoption, nature ofAbrahamSlavery, In OtBorn In One's HouseNot Giving

" 'And if [the] alien or [the] temporary resident [who are] with you {prosper}, but your countryman [who is] with him becomes poor and he is sold to an alien, a temporary resident [who is] with you, or to a descendant of an alien's clan,

Verse ConceptsPoor People

Jair the descendant of Manasseh acquired the whole region of Argob, up to the boundary of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and he called it, [that is] Bashan, after his [own] name, Havvoth Jair, {as it still is today}.

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming Things

And again there was war in Gath. And there was a {very tall} man [there], and {he had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in all}. He himself [was] also a descendant of the Rephaim.

Verse ConceptsFingersToesSix ThingsGiantsFingers Of People

And he searched for Ahaziah and captured him. And he was hiding in Samaria. And they brought him to Jehu and put him to death. And they buried him, for they said, "He [is] the descendant of Jehoshaphat, who sought Yahweh with his whole heart." And the house of Ahab had no one to exercise power over the kingdom.

And the priest, the descendant of Aaron, will be with the Levites during the tithe the Levites receive. The Levites will bring up a tithe of the tithes for the house of our God to the chambers of the storehouse.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In OtTreasuriesFractions, One TenthTithesBringing In The TitheTithes And Offering

[There is] no offspring for him nor a descendant among his people, and there is not a survivor in his abode.

Verse ConceptsNo SurvivorsReasons For Barrenness

Surely the princes of Zoan [are] foolish; the wise of the counselors of Pharaoh [give] senseless counsel. How can you say to Pharaoh, "I myself [am] a son of sages, a {descendant} of ancient kings"?

Verse ConceptsadvisersAdvice, Bad Human AdviceWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanFoolish People

And I will bring descendant s out from Jacob, and a {people} from Judah to take possession of my mountain, and my chosen ones shall inherit it, and my servants shall settle there.

Now to Abraham and to his descendant the promises were spoken. It does not say, "and to descendants," as concerning many, but as concerning one, "and to your descendant," who is Christ.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamBlessings, To AbrahamChrist, The Seed OfMission, Of IsraelScripture, Inerrancy OfProphecies Concerning ChristChildren Of AbrahamChrist's OriginGod's Promise To AbrahamThe promises of GodPromises concerningDescendants of

For [it is] evident that our Lord is a descendant of Judah, a tribe [with reference] to which Moses said nothing concerning priests.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In NtPeople Of Judahconnectionpriests

Bible Theasaurus

Descendant (129 instances)
Descendent (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 378

Usage: 63

Usage: 13