9 occurrences

'Drunkard' in the Bible

and have said unto the elders of his city, Our son -- this one -- is apostatizing and rebellious; he is not hearkening to our voice -- a glutton and drunkard;

Verse ConceptsAlcoholDishonouring ParentsChildren, UngratefulObstinate IndividualsAccused Of Drunkennessrebelliondrunkards

and conspire against him doth his servant Zimri (head of the half of the chariots) and he is in Tirzah drinking -- a drunkard in the house of Arza, who is over the house in Tirzah.

Verse Conceptsdrinking, abstention fromConspiraciesHalf Of GroupsDrunk IndividualsConspiracy

They feel darkness, and not light, He causeth them to wander as a drunkard.

Verse ConceptsOvertaken By DarknessFeeling Lostdrunkards

They reel to and fro, and move as a drunkard, And all their wisdom is swallowed up.

Verse ConceptsWorldly DilemmasStormsStaggeringdrunkards

A thorn hath gone up into the hand of a drunkard, And a parable in the mouth of fools.

Verse ConceptsProverbsWise Proverbsdrunkards

Jehovah hath mingled in her midst A spirit of perverseness, And they have caused Egypt to err in all its work, As a drunkard erreth in his vomit.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholDrunkenness, Figurative OfBewildermentStaggeringPuzzlementuncertaintydrunkards

Stagger greatly doth the land as a drunkard, And it hath been moved as a lodge, And heavy on it hath been its transgression, And it hath fallen, and addeth not to rise.

Verse ConceptsStaggeringGod Making DrunkThings Fallingrebelliondrunkards

In reference to the prophets: Broken hath been my heart in my midst, Fluttered have all my bones, I have been as a man -- a drunkard, And as a man -- wine hath passed over him, Because of Jehovah, and of His holy words.

Verse ConceptsBrokennessAlcoholdefeatWineIndividuals TremblingBroken Heartsheartbroken

and now, I did write to you not to keep company with him, if any one, being named a brother, may be a whoremonger, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner -- with such a one not even to eat together;

Verse ConceptsBad CompanyAlcoholGreed, Believers' Response ToBad FriendsFellowship With WickedSexual ChastityCorrecting A BrotherGood AssoiciatesWarnings Of Evil AssociationsAvoid ImmoralityAvoiding IdolatryNo DealingsAbusive RelationshipsAddictionCovetousnesssexGreedSexual Immoralitydrunkards

Bible Theasaurus

Drunkard (15 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 5

שׁכּר שׁכּור 
Usage: 13

Usage: 23

Usage: 218

Usage: 2