6 occurrences
'Easy' in the Bible
Lo, these are the wicked and easy ones of the age, They have increased strength.
Greatly hath our soul been filled With the scorning of the easy ones, With the contempt of the arrogant!
A scorner hath sought wisdom, and it is not, And knowledge to the intelligent is easy.
Women, easy ones, rise, hear my voice, Daughters, confident ones, give ear to my saying,
Tremble ye women, ye easy ones, Be troubled, ye confident ones, Strip and make bare, with a girdle on the loins,
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Accessible (1 instance)
Comfortable (6 instances)
Easily (30 instances)
Easy (19 instances)
Gentle (57 instances)
Graceful (6 instances)
Leisurely (2 instances)
Lenient (2 instances)
Loose (243 instances)
Promiscuous (10 instances)
Prosperous (45 instances)
Slow (47 instances)
Slowly (18 instances)
Soft (40 instances)
Wanton (15 instances)
Well-Off (2 instances)
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