6 occurrences
'Homes' in the Bible
They will tremble like birds from Egypt, and like doves from the land of Assyria; and I will let them return to their homes-- a declaration of Yahweh.
Then their wealth shall be as plunder, and their homes as desolation. And they shall build their houses and not inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards and not drink their wine."
And if I send them away hungry to their homes they will give out on the way, and some of them have come from far away."
I know what I should do, so that when I am removed from the management they will welcome me into their homes!'
Then the disciples went away again to their [own homes].
we said farewell to one another and embarked in the ship, and they returned to their own [homes].
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Usage: 2053
מקמה מקומה מקם מקום
Usage: 401