'Impurities' in the Bible
He will purify the most holy place in this way for all their sins because of the Israelites’ impurities and rebellious acts. He will do the same for the tent of meeting that remains among them, because it is surrounded by their impurities.
He is to sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse and set it apart from the Israelites’ impurities.
which you commanded us through your servants the prophets with these words: 'The land that you are entering to possess is a land defiled by the impurities of the local residents! With their abominations they have filled it from one end to the other with their filthiness.
"The land you are entering to possess is a morally unclean land due to the moral uncleanness of the nations of the lands along with their abominations that has filled it from one end to the other with their impurities. So, therefore, do not give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor marry their daughters to your sons, and under no circumstances are you to seek their well-being or their wealth, so that you may remain strong, enjoying the best things the land has to give, and so that you may establish an inheritance for your children forever.'
Remove impurities from silver,and a vessel will be produced for a silversmith.
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold [to separate the impurities of the metal],And each is tested by the praise given to him [and his response to it, whether humble or proud].
I will turn My hand against youand will burn away your dross completely;I will remove all your impurities.
The bellows blow fiercely to consume the lead with the fire. The assayer keeps on refining, but the impurities aren't separated out.
When they return there, they will remove from it all [traces of] its detestable things and all its repulsive things (remnants of paganism).
I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols.
The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She had a gold cup in her hand filled with everything vile and with the impurities of her prostitution.