3 occurrences

'Infectious' in the Bible

If a man carries meat that is holy [because it has been offered in sacrifice to God] in the fold of his garment, and he touches bread, or cooked food, or wine, or oil, or any [kind of] food with this fold, does what he touches become holy [dedicated exclusively to God’s service]?’” And the priests answered, “No!” [Holiness is not transferrable.]

Verse ConceptsFringe Of ClothesTouching Holy ThingsDissent

Then Haggai said, “If one who is [ceremonially] unclean because of [contact with] a corpse touches any of these [articles of food], will it be unclean?” And the priests answered, “It will be unclean.” [Ceremonial uncleanness, like sin, is infectious.]

Verse ConceptsAnswering PeopleBeing Gay

Bible Theasaurus

Contagious (1 instance)
Infectious (31 instances)