'Pilaster' in the Bible
And he measured the portico of the gate [as] eight cubits, and its pilaster [was] two cubits [thick], and [he measured] the portico of the gate {on the inside}.
And the alcoves of the gate [toward] the way {eastward} [were] {three on each side}; {the same measurements applied to all three of them}; and {the same measurement applied to the pilaster} {on each side}.
Next, he measured the pilasters—105 feet. The gate extended around to the pilaster of the court.
The recesses and their pilasters had beveled windows all around the inside of the gateway. The porticoes also had windows all around on the inside. Each pilaster was decorated with palm trees.
And he brought me to the portico of the temple, and he measured [the] pilaster of [the] portico, {five cubits on each side}, and the width of the gate {was three cubits on each side}.
Next he brought me into the great hall and measured the pilasters; on each side the width of the pilaster was 10½ feet.
And he went into [the] inner [room], and he measured the pilaster of the doorway [as] two cubits and the doorway [as] six cubits and the width of the doorway seven cubits.