47 occurrences

'Produce' in the Bible

And God said, "Let the earth produce green plants [that will] bear seed--fruit trees bearing fruit {in which there is seed}--according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so.

Verse ConceptsAccording To Its KindVegetationTreesSprouting PlantsLand ProducingSproutingGod SpeakingHerbsreproductionReproduction, After Kind

" 'Surely on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, at your gathering the land's produce, you shall hold Yahweh's festival for seven days; on the first day [there shall be] a rest period and on the eighth day a rest period.

Verse ConceptsCropsDay 8Month 7Sabbaths Instituted

Because it is a Jubilee, it shall be holy to you. You must eat its produce from the field.

Verse ConceptsHoly Times

then I will give you rains in their time, and the land shall give its produce, and the trees of the field shall give their fruit.

Verse ConceptsNatureRainWeather, God's Sovereignty OverGifts From God, TemporalGod Sending Rainsisterhood

And your strength shall be consumed {in vain}; and your land shall not give its produce, and the land's trees shall not give their fruit.

Verse ConceptsUseless Labour

Your contribution will be credited to you like the grain from the threshing floor and like the produce from the press.

Verse ConceptsThreshing Floor

And [then] {the anger of Yahweh will be kindled against you}, and he will shut up the heavens, and there shall not be rain, and [so] the ground will not give its produce, and you will perish quickly from the good land that Yahweh [is] giving to you.

Verse Conceptsdrought, physicalRainUnfruitfulnessWeather, As God's JudgmentElements, Control OfDispleasureDivine Power Over Nature

"You shall celebrate the Feast of Booths for yourselves seven days {at the gathering in of the produce} from your threshing floor and from your press;

Verse ConceptsCropsFeastingFeast Of TabernaclesNew Year, TheThreshing FloorSeven DaysCelebrationcelebrating

Seven days you shall celebrate [your] feast to Yahweh your God at the place Yahweh will choose, for Yahweh your God shall bless you in all of your produce and in all [of] the work of your hand, and you shall surely [be] rejoicing.

Verse ConceptsSeven Days

"When you are finished {giving a tithe}, all of the tithe of your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, then you shall give to the Levite, to the alien, to the orphan, and to the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and they may be satisfied.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of PossessionsCropsForeignersethics, socialBereaved, Care ForSatisfactionWidowsAliensTithes And Offering

"You shall carry out much seed to the field, but you shall gather little [produce], for the locust shall devour it.

Verse ConceptsLocustsPlanting Seeds

For a fire was kindled by my anger, and it burned {up to the depths of Sheol}, and it devoured [the] earth and its produce, and it set afire the foundation of [the] mountains.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsHell, Punishment OfAfterlifeHell, As An ExperienceEarth, Judgment OfMountains RemovedEarth's FoundationFire Emanating From GodGod Has AngerState Of The Dead

On the next day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate from the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and roasted corn.

Verse ConceptsCooking, Types Of Food

And the manna ceased the day after, when they [started] eating the produce of the land, and there was no longer manna for the {Israelites}. They ate from the crop of the land of Canaan in that year.

Verse ConceptsMannaCessationNo FoodThings Stopping

They would camp against them and destroy the produce of the land {as far as} Gaza; they left no produce in Israel, or sheep, ox, or donkey.

You shall till the land for him, you and your sons and your servants; you shall bring [in the produce] and it shall be food for the son of your master that he may eat. But Mephibosheth the son of your master may always eat food at my table." (Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty slaves.)

Verse ConceptsTilling The SoilFifteenTwenty

And over the vineyards [was] Shemei the Ramathite. And over the produce in the vineyards for the storehouses of the wine [was] Zabdi the Shiphmite.

Verse ConceptsVineyardWineCellars

Yes, [the] mountains yield produce for it, and all {wild animals} play there.

[The] earth has yielded its produce. God, our God, will bless us.

Verse ConceptsHarvestSeedLand ProducingGod Blesses

Yes, Yahweh will give [what is] good, and our land will give its produce.

Verse ConceptsHarvestSeedLand ProducingGiving Good Thingsproviding

[that] our granaries [may be] full, providing [produce] of all kinds, [that] our sheep [may] produce by the thousands, by the tens of thousands in our open fields,

Verse ConceptsBarnsSheepAnimals MultiplyingStores Of FoodMany Creatures

The produce of the land is exploited by everyone; {even the king profits from the field [of the poor]}!

Verse ConceptsTilling The SoilNature Of KingsAgricultureevangelising

And on [the] great waters [is] the seed of Shihor, the harvest of the Nile [is] its produce, and she was [the] merchandise of [the] nations.

Verse ConceptsMarkets

And he will give rain for your seed [with] which you sow the ground, and grain, the produce of the ground, and it will be rich and {fertile}. On that day, your cattle will graze [in] broad pastures;

Verse ConceptsFutureCowsBreadthSowing And ReapingWeather, God's Sovereignty OverGifts From God, TemporalLand ProducingGod Sending RainGod Feeds All The EarthPlanting SeedsSeedsspringtimesowing

Israel [was] holy to Yahweh, the first fruit of his produce. All [those who] ate it were held guilty; disaster came to them," {declares} Yahweh.'"

Verse ConceptsHarvestSowing And ReapingA Holy NationMetaphorical FirstfruitsHolinessFirst fruits

Not only do you plant them, they take root. They grow, but also they produce fruit. You [are] near in their mouths, but far from their {inmost beings}.

Verse ConceptsLipsNominal ReligionRootsMetaphorical PlantingLack Of Meaning

They have sown wheat and they have reaped thorns. They are exhausted, they do not profit. And they will be ashamed of your produce, because of {the burning anger} of Yahweh."

Verse ConceptsHarvestProfitsSin, Effects OfSowing And ReapingThornsWheatUnprofitable SinsNot Reaping What You SowToiling In Vain

It was planted in good field by many waters to produce branches and to bear fruit to become {a beautiful vine}." '

Verse ConceptsFertile LandWater For PlantsBearing Fruit

And the tree of the field will give its fruit, and the land will give its produce, and they will be on their land {safely}, and they will know that I [am] Yahweh when I break their yoke, and I will deliver them from the hand of the ones enslaving them.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalYokesLand ProducingGod Saving From EnemiesGod Freeing CaptivesGod Will Keep SafeBreaking Chains

But I have heard concerning you that you are able {to produce interpretations} and to solve riddles; now if you are able to read the writing and to make known its explanation to me, you will be clothed [in] purple and necklace of gold [will be placed] around your neck and you will rule [as] third [in command] in the kingdom."

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsGoldGold ChainsPurple ClothesInterpreting LanguageJewelleryThird PersonReading Other MatterTelling Of People's Situationsknots

Do not fear, wild animals of [the] field, because [the] pastures of [the] desert have put forth new green shoots, because [the] tree has produced its fruit, [the] fig tree and [the] vine have yielded their produce.

Verse ConceptsSpringVinesAnimals, Care ForGreenBearing FruitFear And Animals

Therefore, because of you [the] heavens have withheld [the] dew and the earth has withheld its produce.

Verse ConceptsdewLack Of Rain

[Is there] still seed in the store chamber? Do the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree still produce nothing? From this day [forward] I will bless [you].'"

Verse ConceptsFruitFig treeOlivesUnfruitfulnessVinesGod's Action TomorrowPomegranatesReapingBearing FruitGod Will Bless

'For [there will be] a sowing of peace; the vine will give its fruit, and the soil will give its produce, and the heavens will give their dew. And I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit all these [things].

Verse ConceptsCropsFruitfulness, NaturalAgriculture, Growth From GoddewSeedVinesLand ProducingSurvivors FavouredTime Of PeaceAgriculturePlanting SeedsSeedsBlessings And ProsperitySowing Seeds

A good tree is not able to produce bad fruit, nor a bad tree to produce good fruit.

Verse ConceptsBearing Bad Fruit

For this [reason], I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and will be given to a people who produce its fruits.

Verse ConceptsFaithlessness, As DisobedienceKingdom Of God, Entry IntoLossUnfruitfulnessIsrael HardenedTaking God's Things

And other [seed] fell among the thorn plants, and the thorn plants came up and choked it, and it did not produce grain.

Verse ConceptsChoking

Therefore produce fruit worthy of repentance! And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham [as] father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones!

Verse ConceptsPeople Of God, In NtRepentance, Nature OfSecuritySelf DeceptionChildren Of AbrahamPotential Of FruitSigns Of RepentanceNervousness

Likewise, the inanimate things which produce a sound, whether flute or lyre, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the flute or on the lyre?

Verse ConceptsFlutesHarpsIgnorant Of FactsBeing Differentinstruments

And so you through the tongue, unless you produce a clear message, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air.

Verse ConceptsMaking The Message ClearMere TalkIgnorant Of FactsLanguageThe TonguespeakingSpeech

A fig tree is not able, my brothers, to produce olives, or a grapevine figs. Neither can a saltwater spring produce fresh water.

Verse ConceptsGrapesBad WaterSourness

Bible Theasaurus

Accomplish (81 instances)
Achieve (12 instances)
Acquire (44 instances)
Carve (9 instances)
Chisel (11 instances)
Compose (9 instances)
Constitute (4 instances)
Construct (24 instances)
Contrive (2 instances)
Create (29 instances)
Develop (11 instances)
Edify (5 instances)
Erect (29 instances)
Establish (175 instances)
Forge (3 instances)
Frame (36 instances)
Institute (1 instance)
Produce (227 instances)