'Reed' in the Bible
"And take for yourself top quality balsam oils, five hundred [shekels of] flowing myrrh, half [as much]--two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant reed,
Yahweh will strike Israel as one shakes the reed plant in the water, and he will root Israel up from this good land that he gave to their ancestors. He will scatter them beyond the River because they have made their sacred poles [which are] provoking Yahweh.
Now, look! You {rely} on the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, which [when] a man leans on it, it goes into his hand and pierces it! So [is] Pharaoh the king of Egypt for all who are trusting on him!
So Yahweh cut off head and tail from Israel, palm branch and reed [in] one day.
And [the] rivers will become foul-smelling; the branches of the Nile of Egypt will become little and dry up; reed and rush will wither.
And {there will be nothing for Egypt to do}, head or tail, palm branch or reed.
Look, you trust in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, which [if] a man leans on it, goes into his hand and bores through it! Such [is] Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to all those who trust in him.
He will not break a broken reed, and he not will extinguish a dim wick. He will bring justice forth in faithfulness.
You have not bought me spice reed with money or satisfied me [with] the fat of sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins; you have made me weary with your iniquities.
Is [the] fast I choose like this, a day for humankind to humiliate {himself}? To bow his head like a reed, and {make} his bed [on] sackcloth and ashes; you call this a fast and a day of pleasure to Yahweh?
What [is] this to me? Frankincense comes from Sheba, and the precious spice reed from a distant land. Your burnt offerings [are] not {acceptable}, your sacrifices are not pleasing to me."
And the fords have been seized, and the reed marshes have been burned with fire, and {the soldiers} are horrified.
Vedan and Javan from Uzal, they exchanged wrought iron, cinnamon, and reed spice for your merchandise; [all this] was for your wares.
And all of the inhabitants of Egypt will know that I [am] Yahweh, because of their being a staff of reed for the house of Israel.
And he brought me there, and look, there was a man whose appearance [was] like [the] appearance of bronze, and a cord of linen [was] in his hand and a reed for measurement; [he] was standing in the gate.
And there was a wall on [the] outside of the temple {all the way around it}, and in the hand of the man the reed for measurement [was] six [long] cubits, {according to} the cubit and a handbreadth, and he measured the width of the outer wall [as] one reed, and [the] height [as] one reed.
And [then] he went toward [the] gate whose face [was] {to the east}. And he went up by its steps, and he measured the threshold of the gate, one reed wide.
And the alcove [was] one reed long and one reed wide, and between the alcoves [was] five cubits, and the threshold of the gate along the side of the portico of the gate {on the inside} [was] one reed.
And [then] he measured the portico of the gate {on the inside} [as] one reed.
And I saw for the temple a platform {all the way around} the foundations of the side rooms; [it was] the length of a full reed, six cubits long.
He measured the east side with the reed for measuring, five hundred cubits, with [respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement, [he measured it] all around.
He measured the north side [as] five hundred [cubits], [with respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement all around.
[Then] he measured the south side [as] five hundred [cubits], [with respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement.
He went around the west side [and] he measured five hundred [cubits], [with respect to] reeds with the reed for measurement.
Now [as] these were going away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?
A crushed reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not extinguish, until he brings justice to victory.
and weaving a crown of thorns, they put [it] on his head, and [put] a reed in his right hand. And kneeling down before him, they mocked him, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!"
And they spat on him [and] took the reed and repeatedly struck [him] on his head.
And immediately one of them ran and took a sponge and filled [it] with sour wine and put [it] on a reed [and] gave [it] to him to drink.
And they repeatedly struck him on the head with a reed, and were spitting on him, and {they knelt down} [and] did obeisance to him.
And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put [it] on a reed, [and] gave [it] to him to drink, saying, "Leave [him] alone! Let us see if Elijah is coming to take him down."
And [when] the messengers of John had departed, he began to speak to the crowds concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?
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- Read (64 instances )
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- Ready (53 instances )
- Real (2 instances )
- Reality (1 instance )
- Realization (1 instance )
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- Reason (78 instances )
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- Reasoned (3 instances )
- Reasoning (4 instances )
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- Recoil (1 instance )
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- Recompense (7 instances )
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- Reduce (6 instances )
- Reduced (5 instances )
- Reducing (1 instance )
- Reeds (13 instances )
- Reefs (1 instance )
- Reeled (1 instance )
- Reeling (1 instance )
- Reference (19 instances )
- Referring (1 instance )
- Refers (2 instances )
- Refine (3 instances )
- Refined (14 instances )
- Refiner (2 instances )
- Refiner's (1 instance )
- Refines (1 instance )
- Refining (1 instance )
- Reflect (1 instance )
- Reflecting (2 instances )
- Reflections (1 instance )
- Reflects (1 instance )
- Reforms (1 instance )
- Refortified (1 instance )
- Refrain (14 instances )
- Refrained (3 instances )
- Refraining (3 instances )
- Refresh (6 instances )
- Refreshed (8 instances )
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- Refuse (21 instances )
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- Refuses (10 instances )
- Refusing (4 instances )
- Refute (1 instance )
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- Regain (7 instances )
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- Regard (39 instances )
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- Regarding (21 instances )
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- Regeneration (1 instance )
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- Reigning (11 instances )
- Reigns (4 instances )
- Rein (2 instances )
- Reject (25 instances )
- Rejected (67 instances )
- Rejecting (2 instances )
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- Rejoice (159 instances )
- Rejoiced (39 instances )
- Rejoices (12 instances )
- Rejoicing (45 instances )
- Rekindle (1 instance )
- Relapsed (1 instance )
- Relate (2 instances )
- Related (6 instances )
- Relating (2 instances )
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- Relations (12 instances )
- Relationship (3 instances )
- Relative (19 instances )
- Relatives (34 instances )
- Relax (2 instances )
- Release (71 instances )
- Released (31 instances )
- Releases (1 instance )
- Releasing (3 instances )
- Relent (10 instances )
- Relented (6 instances )
- Relenting (1 instance )
- Relentlessly (1 instance )
- Relents (1 instance )
- Reliability (1 instance )
- Reliable (10 instances )
- Reliance (2 instances )
- Relied (2 instances )
- Relief (12 instances )
- Relieve (4 instances )
- Relieved (2 instances )
- Relieving (1 instance )
- Religion (5 instances )
- Religious (11 instances )
- Reluctant (1 instance )
- Reluctantly (1 instance )
- Rely (11 instances )
- Relying (2 instances )
- Remain (89 instances )
- Remainder (98 instances )
- Remained (77 instances )
- Remaining (41 instances )
- Remains (43 instances )
- Remarkable (3 instances )
- Remedy (2 instances )
- Remember (169 instances )
- Remembered (52 instances )
- Remembering (6 instances )
- Remembers (9 instances )
- Remembrance (21 instances )
- Remind (8 instances )
- Reminded (1 instance )
- Reminder (6 instances )
- Reminding (1 instance )
- Remission (3 instances )
- Remit (3 instances )
- Remnant (74 instances )
- Remnants (2 instances )
- Remorseful (1 instance )
- Remote (8 instances )
- Remotest (3 instances )
- Removal (7 instances )
- Remove (93 instances )
- Removed (90 instances )
- Removes (5 instances )
- Removing (4 instances )
- Renamed (1 instance )
- Rend (1 instance )
- Render (6 instances )
- Rendered (4 instances )
- Rendering (1 instance )
- Renders (1 instance )
- Renew (8 instances )
- Renewal (4 instances )
- Renewed (6 instances )
- Renews (1 instance )
- Renounce (1 instance )
- Renounced (1 instance )
- Renown (5 instances )
- Renowned (5 instances )
- Rented (1 instance )
- Repaid (13 instances )
- Repair (13 instances )
- Repaired (34 instances )
- Repairers (1 instance )
- Repairing (3 instances )
- Reparation (1 instance )
- Repay (46 instances )
- Repaying (4 instances )
- Repayment (1 instance )
- Repays (5 instances )
- Repeat (3 instances )
- Repeated (1 instance )
- Repeatedly (5 instances )
- Repent (31 instances )
- Repentance (22 instances )
- Repented (8 instances )
- Repents (3 instances )
- Repetition (1 instance )
- Repetitiously (1 instance )
- Rephaites (1 instance )
- Rephan (1 instance )
- Replace (3 instances )
- Replaces (1 instance )
- Replaster (1 instance )
- Replenish (1 instance )
- Replica (4 instances )
- Replicas (1 instance )
- Replied (62 instances )
- Reply (13 instances )
- Report (57 instances )
- Reported (49 instances )
- Reporting (3 instances )
- Reports (1 instance )
- Repose (4 instances )
- Represent (2 instances )
- Representation (1 instance )
- Representatives (2 instances )
- Representing (1 instance )
- Represents (1 instance )
- Reprimanded (1 instance )
- Reprisals (2 instances )
- Reproach (20 instances )
- Reproaches (4 instances )
- Reproaching (3 instances )
- Reproof (11 instances )
- Reprove (11 instances )
- Reproved (3 instances )
- Reproves (2 instances )
- Reproving (1 instance )
- Reptiles (4 instances )
- Repudiated (2 instances )
- Repugnance (1 instance )
- Repugnant (2 instances )
- Repulse (1 instance )
- Repulsed (4 instances )
- Repulsive (4 instances )
- Reputation (4 instances )
- Repute (2 instances )
- Request (24 instances )
- Requested (8 instances )
- Requesting (3 instances )
- Requests (7 instances )
- Require (6 instances )
- Required (13 instances )
- Requirement (10 instances )
- Requirements (8 instances )
- Requires (2 instances )
- Requiring (1 instance )
- Requital (1 instance )
- Requite (2 instances )
- Rescue (55 instances )
- Rescued (30 instances )
- Rescuer (2 instances )
- Rescues (5 instances )
- Rescuing (3 instances )
- Resemble (1 instance )
- Resembled (1 instance )
- Resembles (1 instance )
- Resembling (1 instance )
- Resentment (1 instance )
- Reservation (1 instance )
- Reserve (2 instances )
- Reserved (8 instances )
- Reservoir (1 instance )
- Reservoirs (1 instance )
- Reside (12 instances )
- Resided (2 instances )
- Residence (11 instances )
- Resident (11 instances )
- Residential (1 instance )
- Residents (6 instances )
- Resides (16 instances )
- Residing (9 instances )
- Resin (1 instance )
- Resist (11 instances )
- Resistance (1 instance )
- Resistant (1 instance )
- Resisted (4 instances )
- Resists (1 instance )
- Resolve (2 instances )
- Resolved (3 instances )
- Resort (1 instance )
- Resorts (1 instance )
- Resound (1 instance )
- Resounds (1 instance )
- Respect (76 instances )
- Respectable (2 instances )
- Respected (4 instances )
- Respectful (1 instance )
- Respectfully (1 instance )
- Respects (3 instances )
- Respite (1 instance )
- Respond (8 instances )
- Responded (18 instances )
- Response (1 instance )
- Responsibilities (7 instances )
- Responsibility (24 instances )
- Responsible (5 instances )
- Responsive (2 instances )
- Responsively (1 instance )
- Rest (205 instances )
- Rested (21 instances )
- Resting (4 instances )
- Resting-place (19 instances )
- Resting-places (1 instance )
- Restitution (17 instances )
- Restless (3 instances )
- Restoration (4 instances )
- Restore (66 instances )
- Restored (27 instances )
- Restorer (2 instances )
- Restores (5 instances )
- Restoring (2 instances )
- Restrain (9 instances )
- Restrained (8 instances )
- Restraining (1 instance )
- Restrains (4 instances )
- Restraint (7 instances )
- Restricted (1 instance )
- Restriction (1 instance )
- Restrictions (1 instance )
- Rests (7 instances )
- Result (16 instances )
- Resulting (2 instances )
- Results (1 instance )
- Resurrection (41 instances )
- Retain (5 instances )
- Retained (2 instances )
- Retorts (1 instance )
- Retract (1 instance )
- Retreat (3 instances )
- Retreated (2 instances )
- Retribution (7 instances )
- Return (322 instances )
- Returned (227 instances )
- Returnees (1 instance )
- Returning (18 instances )
- Returns (21 instances )
- Reveal (23 instances )
- Revealed (75 instances )
- Revealer (1 instance )
- Revealing (1 instance )
- Reveals (9 instances )
- Revel (2 instances )
- Revelation (20 instances )
- Revelations (3 instances )
- Reveling (1 instance )
- Revenge (12 instances )
- Revenue (2 instances )
- Revere (26 instances )
- Revered (3 instances )
- Reverence (12 instances )
- Reverent (1 instance )
- Revering (1 instance )
- Reverse (1 instance )
- Reverting (1 instance )
- Revile (3 instances )
- Reviled (12 instances )
- Reviler (1 instance )
- Reviling (7 instances )
- Revitalized (1 instance )
- Revive (13 instances )
- Revived (4 instances )
- Reviving (1 instance )
- Revoke (11 instances )
- Revoked (3 instances )
- Revolt (2 instances )
- Revolted (3 instances )
- Revolutionary (1 instance )
- Reward (50 instances )
- Rewarded (4 instances )
- Rewarder (1 instance )
- Rewarding (2 instances )
- Rewards (3 instances )
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