11 occurrences

'Sexually' in the Bible

But his mistress was sexually unfaithful to him, and then she left him to live in her father's home in Bethlehem in the territory of Judah. She had been living there for a period of about four months

Verse ConceptsSinglenessTwo To Four MonthsThose Who Committed Adulterywhores

The young woman was absolutely beautiful. She served the king and was very useful to him. The king was not sexually involved with her.

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of Sex

One of you commits detestable practices with his neighbor's wife. Another sexually defiles his daughter-in-law. Another humiliates his sister, his own father's daughter.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsLewdnessdaughtersOffenceSexual Sin, Nature OfSisters

"She became even more sexually immoral when she saw the images of the Chaldean men who had been carved in red on their walls.

Verse ConceptsPortraitsGrowth Of EvilSpiritual Harlotry

"Nevertheless, she became even more sexually immoral, even reminiscing about when she was young, when she kept on practicing sexual immorality in the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsGrowth Of EvilBeing Evil From YouthPeople RememberingSpiritual Harlotry

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Sexually (23 instances)

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